A group project for UChicago CS 122 Team Name: EdMoneyBall Created by: Sirui Feng, Turab Hassan, & Vi Nguyen
###Link to live site: http://edmoneyball.pythonanywhere.com/
##NOTES ON SOURCES## In each file, if we have sourced the code from somewhere else, we've included a note about the extent to which we modified it. In cases where no notes were written about sourcing, the file was original work.
##Install Packages## Name: pyproj Use: performs cartographic transformations and geodetic computations. Installation command: sudo pip3 install pyproj
Name: Shapely Use: manipulation and analysis of geometric objects in the Cartesian plane. Installation command: sudo apt-get install python-shapely; sudo pip3 install shapely
Name: Plotly Use: create online charts Installation command: sudo pip3 install plotly
Name: Bootstrap Forms Use: format django forms Installation command: sudo pip3 install django-bootstrap3-form django-bootstrap-form
Name: Bootstrap Use: styling of site Installation command: sudo pipe3 install django-bootstrap
##Data## Datasets folder -CPS_School_Locations_SY1415.xlsx: we used this file to update the geolocation information -CPS_Schools_IDs_locations_13-14.xlsx: this file had incorrect geolocation information -FOIA#826: folder that contain results from Lingwei Cheng's FOIA request -FY2015 GL Expenditure Report as of 2015-06-30: source of expenditure data that we used, from FOIA#826 -SchoolQualityRatingPolicyResults&AccountabilityStatus_2015-6_full.xlsx: source of academic performance information for each school -Chicago_Public_Schools_Budget_-Fiscal_Year_2015-_Proposed.csv: data on planned budget spending, we didn't use it.
##Django implementation## -mysite: folder that contains our Django implementation -Edmoneyball: folder that contains our edmoneyball implementation -static: folder that contains static css, js, images, and other files for styling -all files in this folder, unless specified, were sourced from http://startbootstrap.com/template-overviews/stylish-portfolio/; only small modifications were made -img/heatmap_sample.png was created by us using rating.py
-templates: folder that contains our html pages
-edmoneyball: folder to house our html pages
-explore.html: page where user can choose 1 school at a time to
look at data, or enter their address to see school zones and
select the school to explore
-address.html: page to display school zones after user enters
address in explore.html
-comparison.html: page to let user choose schools they want to
compare; and displays the results
-recommendation.html: page to let user enter preferences for
algorithm to recommend top performing schools
-individual.html: page to display charts for one school
-plot_school_comparisons.html: page to display charts for
-plot_school_recommendations.html: page to display charts for
recommended schools
# The 4 files below were sourced from
only small modifications were made
-index.html: homepage
-javascript.html: brings in js components
-head.html: brings in header styling
-navar.html: navigation bar
##Python programs##
-urls.py: a file which tells us which page the user is on to call the
correct function from views.py
-views.py: processes the Http request and redirects to the correct page
based on the request
-forms.py: forms that the user see on the webpage get created here.
-geocode.py: turns a user entered address into lat, lon location
-getcontext.py: Based on the user input, builds the context for the
html page
-chart.py: contains algorithms that clean the data and plot charts
-ranking.py: algorithm that processes user inputs and generates
-update_charts.py: calls on various functions to update charts with
selected/relevant schools
-school_info.py: contains algorithms that fetch data from the dabase
and do related computations
-school_zone.py: contains algorithms that clean up the zone geolocation
-rating.py: contains algorithms that fetch data from the database to
generate heatmap
-scores.csv: generated by rating.py to draw heatmap
##Data files##
-UpdatedLocations.csv: correct geolocation of the CPS schools
-EducationData1.db: school information database
-network_info.geojson: school zone geolocations
##Other## readme.txt - this file Proposal - folder with our initial proposal and presentation Trash - backup of files that we had referred to and/or could use in the future
##Run site locally## cd cs2project/mysite/ python3 manage.py runserver
======= Install Packages: sudo pip3 install pyproj sudo apt-get install python-shapely sudo pip3 install shapely
sudo pip3 install django-bootstrap-form sudo pip3 install django-bootstrap3-form sudo pip3 install plotly sudo pip3 install django-bootstrap