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We built a web applicant. It has three different parts - user management, course management, and discussion management. Users can register and log in. The administrator needs to approve the registration.

It was a team project of three. My main task is to build the frontend framework. I have been talking about the progress of the entire project with my team members, and constantly improving the design and code according to the needs of the project.

  • Graph in E-R diagram to build relationship;
  • Using SQL to store all the information in the Oracle database;
  • Data access by JDBI/SQL/JDBC;
  • BackEnd: Java and Dropwizard as framework;
  • FrontEnd: HTML, CSS and Bootstrap create view.

Clone the repository into cs425_project in your computer.

  1. In cs425_project, double click mvnec.bat and download automatically;
  2. * If you are not using windows, enter the command mvn eclipse:eclipse -DdownloadSources –DdownloadJavadocs in the terminal.
  3. In Eclipse, click "import" under "file" and select an import source "cs425_project" with clicking "Existing Projects into Workspace".
  4. In Eclipse, click "Install New Software" under "help”, choose "Mars -" at "work with”, and type filter text with "web". Chose and download "Eclipse Java Web Developer Tools"
  5. There is new database you can use to test all data for our project. Similar to build a new connect as Homework1, You can open oracle and then build a new connect by using the setting below. Or you can use the database of cs425 in the school.
  6. * Username: CS425 Password: cAGk6EB9hCtXY6tx
  7. Enter the command mvn package in the terminal to build the project, and then run oracle.bat to start the server..
  8. * If you are not using windows, enter the following command to start the server: java -ea -cp .;cs425-1.0.0-fat.jar;ojdbc6.jar cs425.MyApp server oracle.json If CLASSPATH is already set up, just run: java -ea cs425.MyApp server oracle.json For the red part, you need to check how to specify java classpath in your terminal.

For login as Administration:

  • Username: admin Password: 1234
  • The following link you can use: (website home page)
  • You can find all links on the home page, which include user/admin login, student/faculty registration, and link part all queries for projects.
  • If logging as admin, you can find almost all tables on it.


  • Graph in E-R diagram to build relationship;
  • Using SQL to store all the information in the Oracle database;
  • Data access by JDBI/SQL/JDBC;
  • BackEnd: Java and Dropwizard as framework;
  • FrontEnd: HTML, CSS and Bootstrap create view, JavaScrip/JQuery as Model/Controller.


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