We are working on version 0.7.
The gif bellow shows how it looks like right know:
See our releases page.
- Version 0.7
- Our sprites and animations
- Version 0.8
- Our sound
- Version 1.0
- ?
Having troubles?
- Ask on Twitter @ogiacomelli, @giusepe and @skahal.
Create a fork of SpaceInvadersRemake.
Download and install Spine Unity Runtimes packages.
Did you change it? Submit a pull request.
Licensed under the The MIT License (MIT). In others words, you can use this game for developement any kind of software: open source, commercial, proprietary and alien.
- v0.6-original-remake
- Original Atari 2600's sound effects
- v0.5-original-remake
- No menus or any extra screens
- Running with original Atari 2600 sprites
- No sound
- No juiceness