- Gujarat, India
Implementation of microservices in fastapi with mongodb and CDC with KAFKA
Python UpdatedJan 17, 2023 -
Python-Jarvis Public
Voice-based assistant to make task automated
nodejs-docker-kubernetes Public
This is sample repository which showcases how to add docker and kubernetes with the nodejs app
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedOct 14, 2022 -
Flutter-Shopping-Cart Public
Flutter Shopping cart design
flutter-data-sync Public
This repo provides the information and code about how to provide support for offline mode.
Photographers-Portfolio Public
Making dashboard page for photographer portfolio website.
flutter_encryption Public
Provide encryption and decryption to secure data
RN-Redux-TypeScript Public
This repo code shows that how to integrate redux in react native using typescript.
TypeScript UpdatedDec 10, 2020 -
Loading image from TMDb and display in grid and view in full screen.
flutter_animation_series Public
This repo provides list of flutter animation
DI_Bloc Public
This repo demonstrate dependency injection with bloc pattern for login page
Covid19 Public
Provide corona virus related information
Flutter-Web-Shopping-Cart Public
Flutter web shopping cart with dart
KoinMVVMRetrofit Public
Demonstrates MVVM with Koin(Kotlin DI framework)