Set the views of the stars above you as your dynamic desktop wallpaper with Empyrean Eyes: a small, lightweight, navbar-centric OS X application inspired by Satellite Eyes.
Empyrean Eyes is XCode 8.2.1 Compatible and targets 10.12 (Mac OS X Sierra) upwards.
To download an .app file of the project, navigate to Github releases and download the latest version.
A native OS X app written in Swift 3 and built with XCode. Utilizes location services and the calculation featured at the USNO to compute the Right Ascension (RA) and Declination (DEC) of the zenith at current user location. This is then fed into the Sloan Digital Sky Survey's DR13 Finding Chart Tool to return the image of the stars above you at your desktop wallpaper's dimensions, which is then used to set the desktop wallpaper. Wallpaper updates are periodic.
Users at certain locations may experience perodic outages in sky survey images, as the RA's (changes with time) corresponding DEC (fixed to the longitude of the user's position) at zenith may be out of the SDSS's recorded range.
Icon is made by Freepik.
Option to start on login
Multiple sources and spectra
...suggestions and direct feature contributions are welcome.