π« A lightweight bottom navigation view, fully customizable with an indicator and animations.
Add below codes to your root build.gradle
file (not your module build.gradle file).
allprojects {
repositories {
And add a dependency code to your module's build.gradle
dependencies {
implementation "com.github.skydoves:androidbottombar:1.0.2"
Add following XML namespace inside your XML layout file.
Here is a basic example of implementing AndroidBottomBarView
app:bottomBar_duration="300" // duration of the menu animation.
app:bottomBar_flavor="icon" // decides which type (icon, title) will be shown as default.
app:bottomBar_indicator_color="@color/md_blue_200" // color of the indicator.
app:bottomBar_indicator_height="4dp" // height size of the indicator.
app:bottomBar_indicator_padding="6dp" // left and right padding of the indicator.
app:bottomBar_indicator_radius="12dp" // corner radius of the indicator.
app:bottomBar_indicator_visible="true" // visibility of the indicator.
app:bottomBar_menuAnimation="overshoot" // animations for selected or unselected menu item.
app:bottomBar_selectedIndex="1" // preselected index when initialized.
We can add menu items to the AndroidBottomBarView
using the BottomMenuItem
, fully customizable.
.setTitle("Movie") // sets the content of the title.
.setTitleColorRes(R.color.black) // sets the color of the title using resource.
.setTitleActiveColorRes(R.color.white) // sets the color of the title when selected/active.
.setTitlePadding(6) // sets the padding of the title.
.setTitleSize(14f) // sets the size of the title.
.setTitleGravity(Gravity.CENTER) // sets gravity of the title.
.setIconColorRes(R.color.md_blue_200) // sets the [Drawable] of the icon using resource.
.setIconActiveColorRes(R.color.md_blue_200) // sets the color of the icon when selected/active.
.setBadgeText("New!") // sets the content of the badge.
.setBadgeTextSize(9f) // sets the size of the badge.
.setBadgeTextColorRes(R.color.white) // sets the text color of the badge using resource.
.setBadgeColorRes(R.color.md_blue_200) // sets the color of the badge using resource.
.setBadgeAnimation(BadgeAnimation.FADE) // sets an animation of the badge.
.setBadgeDuration(450) // sets a duration of the badge.
// .. //
Here is the Java way.
List<BottomMenuItem> bottomMenuItems = new ArrayList<>();
bottomMenuItems.add(new BottomMenuItem(context)
// add more BottomMenuItems. //
decides which type (icon, title) will be shown as default (if unselected).
The default flavor is icon.
We can customize the indicator using below attributes.
app:bottomBar_indicator_color="@color/md_blue_200" // color of the indicator.
app:bottomBar_indicator_height="4dp" // height of the indicator.
app:bottomBar_indicator_padding="6dp" // padding of the indicator.
app:bottomBar_indicator_radius="12dp" // corner radius of the indicator.
app:bottomBar_indicator_visible="true" // visibility of the indicator.
We can customize the title of the menu item.
.setTitle("Movie") // sets the content of the title.
.setTitleColorRes(R.color.black) // sets the color of the title using resource.
.setTitleActiveColorRes(R.color.white) // sets the color of the title when selected/active.
.setTitlePadding(6) // sets the padding of the title.
.setTitleSize(14f) // sets the size of the title.
.setTitleGravity(Gravity.CENTER) // sets gravity of the title.
TitleForm is a collection of attribute class that related to a menu title for customizing the menu item title easily.
Generally, we set the almost same attributes for consistency of the menu items.
We can build a common form of the title, and we can reuse on every menu item.
Then we can reduce boilerplate work from writing the same attributes on every menu item.
// we can create the form using kotlin dsl.
val titleForm = titleForm(this) {
// setTitleForm must be called before other title related methods.
// ** //
Here is the Java way to build the TitleForm
TitleForm.Builder titleForm = new TitleForm.Builder(context)
We can customize the icon of the menu item.
.setIconColorRes(R.color.md_blue_200) // sets the [Drawable] of the icon using resource.
.setIconActiveColorRes(R.color.md_blue_200) // sets the color of the icon when selected/active.
.setIconSize(24) // sets the size of the icon.
IconForm is a collection of attribute class that related to a menu icon for customizing the menu item icon easily.
The same concept of the TitleForm
, and we must call before other icon related methods.
// we can create the form using kotlin dsl.
val iconForm = iconForm(this) {
setIconColorRes(R.color.md_blue_200) // sets the [Drawable] of the icon using resource.
setIconSize(24) // sets the size of the icon.
// ** //
Here is the Java way to build the IconForm
IconForm.Builder iconForm = new IconForm.Builder(context)
We can customize the badge of the menu item.
.setBadgeText("New!") // sets the content of the badge.
.setBadgeTextSize(9f) // sets the size of the badge.
.setBadgeTextColorRes(R.color.white) // sets the text color of the badge using resource.
.setBadgeColorRes(R.color.md_blue_200) // sets the color of the badge using resource.
.setBadgeStyle(Typeface.BOLD)// sets the [Typeface] of the badge.
.setBadgePadding(6) // sets the padding of the badge.
.setBadgeMargin(4) // sets the margin of the badge.
.setBadgeRadius(6) // sets the radius of the badge.
.setBadgeAnimation(BadgeAnimation.FADE) // sets an animation of the badge.
.setBadgeDuration(450) // sets a duration of the badge.
We can show and dismiss badges using below methods.
androidBottomBar.showBadge(0) // shows the badge by an index.
androidBottomBar.showBadge(0, "123") // shows the badge by an index and changes badge text.
androidBottomBar.dismissBadge(0) // dismisses the badge by an index.
BadgeForm is a collection of attribute class that related to a menu badge for customizing the menu item badge easily.
The same concept of the TitleForm
, and we must call before other badge related methods.
// we can create the form using kotlin dsl.
val badgeForm = badgeForm(this) {
// ** //
We can customize badge animations using the below method.
.setBadgeAnimation(BadgeAnimation.FADE) // fade, scale
We can listen to menu items are selected.
The listener gives us index
, bottomMenuItem
, and fromUser
androidBottomBar.onMenuItemSelectedListener = object : OnMenuItemSelectedListener {
override fun onMenuItemSelected(index: Int, bottomMenuItem: BottomMenuItem, fromUser: Boolean) {
// when selected, changed viewpager's current item.
viewpager.currentItem = index
// when selected, dismiss a badge of the item.
We can listen to the menu items are initialized when they are initialized completely.
If we want to show badges, bind AndroidBottomBarView
to ViewPager
or etc, we have to call them in this listener.
androidBottomBar.setOnBottomMenuInitializedListener {
// binds to a viewpager.
// shows a badge index 0.
androidBottomBar.showBadge(index = 0)
// gets a BottomMenuItemView by index.
val menuItemView = androidBottomBar.getBottomMenuItemView(index = 0)
We can bind a ViewPager
and ViewPager2
to the AndroidBottomBarView
for selecting menu items and moving an indicator
automatically by scrolling of viewPager.
androidBottomBar.setOnBottomMenuInitializedListener {
We can customize the selected/unselected animations of menu items and an indicator.
app:bottomBar_menuAnimation="overshoot" // normal, accelerate, bounce, overshoot
Attributes | Type | Default | Description |
flavor | enum | icon | decides which type (icon, title) will be shown as default (unselected). |
selectedIndex | integer | 0 | preselected index when initialized. |
indicator_visible | boolean | true | visibility of the indicator. |
indicator_color | color | theme accent | color of the indicator. |
indicator_drawable | drawable | null | drawable of the indicator. |
indicator_radius | dimension | 3dp | corner radius of the indicator. |
indicator_height | dimension | 4dp | height of the indicator. |
indicator_padding | dimension | 2dp | padding of the indicator. |
menuAnimation | enum | normal | animations for selected or unselected BottomMenuItemView with an interpolator. |
duration | integer | 300 | duration of the menu animation. |
All design and inspiration credits goes to Readable Tab Bar.
Support it by joining stargazers for this repository. β
And follow me for my next creations! π€©
Copyright 2020 skydoves (Jaewoong Eum)
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.