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This is a 3D printed Wi-Fi version of the well-known USB Rubber Ducky hacking device (featured in Mr Robot). It is a very powerful PEN test tool that bypasses common security protections since it i…
Scan for WiFi devices, block selected connections, create dozens of networks and confuse WiFi scanners!
This repository contains all of the code for interfacing with a 16x2 Character I2C LCD Display. This accompanies my YouTube tutorial here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fR5XhHYzUK0
Kali Linux ARM build scripts
Automatically configures an environment to run checkra1n
Wireless keystroke injection attack platform
Communicate with NeuroSky TGAM via BLE, Contains 3 projects, AndroidStudio, XCode, Unity3D
ibrary to add smart WiFi connection solution based on NodeMCU (for ESP8266) using an AP and a web server.
Make ESP8266 works directly with Amazone Echo by emulating a WeMo switch
A collection of bin files confirmed working with the popular AI-Thinker ESPs floating around on eBay.
End-to-end C# Alexa Skill including ESP8266 Sketch
Alternative Firmware for https://www.obi.de/hausfunksteuerung/wifi-stecker-schuko-weiss/p/4077806
HTTP server library for ESP8266/ESP32 Arduino cores (previously ESP8266WebServer)
Use a NodeMCU (ESP-12E) to control literally Anything in your house by turning into a Smart Switch.
This contains c++ code to interface arduino micro-controller with smartphone through Bluetooth connectivity
AeroQuad v3.2 Customized For APM 2.5 / 2.6 Boards with MAVLink v 1.0
A system of telemetry using a sensor MPU6050 and bluetooth module HC-05 with output in a python interface.
FrSky SmartPort(S.Port), D-series, F.Port and TBS Crossfire telemetry on all Taranis and Horus transmitters
Driver for the SSD1306 and SH1106 based 128x64, 128x32, 64x48 pixel OLED display running on ESP8266/ESP32