Hello and welcome to this assignment!
We have probably told you in the face-to-face interview, but just be perfect clear: we don't want you to spend too much time on this. You can do a great work spending 4 hours-ish, so no need to spend days on this. Please work as in a real project, commit and push your code along the day. If you have any questions, drop an email to [email protected] or open an issue ;)
We love cities, they are awesome \o/. So we want a simple app where we can see pictures of our cities.
- Fetch images from Instagram that meet the following criteria:
- Tagged with the name of the city I'm currently on.
- Were posted no far than 20km from where I am.
- See the images in a list as a thumbnail with the poster name.
- Select a image and present in a new view. This view should contain the larger image, and all the data you have about it.
- Sort the list by either date, number of likes or distance from me.
- Use Gradle, I've heard that's good.
- Use Retrofit, it's good and makes network requests easier.
- Save all post clicks in an array.
- Thumbnails in master view should be grayscale. Colored in detail view.
- Persist posts so I can look at them when I'm offline.
- Responsive table view.
- Work a little on the design. Don't put too much effort into this, but you are free to wow us :).
- Impress us ;)