Fork NvChad v2.5 with customization for Python, C/C++, Bash. I will add Rust support in the future.
Images (Click to expand!)
Fast file tree:
A fuzzy file finder, picker, sorter, previewer and much more:
- Here's a video that showcases it.
- Many beautiful themes, theme toggler by our base46 plugin
- Lightweight & performant ui plugin with NvChad UI It provides statusline modules, tabufline ( tabs + buffer manager) , beautiful cheatsheets, NvChad updater, hide & unhide terminal buffers, theme switcher and much more!
- File navigation with nvim-tree.lua
- Beautiful and configurable icons with nvim-web-devicons
- Git diffs and more with gitsigns.nvim
- NeoVim Lsp configuration with nvim-lspconfig and mason.nvim
- Autocompletion with nvim-cmp
- File searching, previewing image and text files and more with telescope.nvim.
- Syntax highlighting with nvim-treesitter
- Autoclosing braces and html tags with nvim-autopairs
- Indentlines with indent-blankline.nvim
- Useful snippets with friendly snippets + LuaSnip.
- Popup mappings keysheet whichkey.nvim
git clone ~/.config/nvim && nvim