evmos Public
Evmos is the first decentralized EVM chain on the Cosmos Network. It's implementing the first EVM stack focused on native, cross-chain applications. Evmos is the flagship implementation of Ethermin…
ChatGPT-Next-Web Public
A well-designed cross-platform ChatGPT UI (Web / PWA / Linux / Win / MacOS). 一键拥有你自己的跨平台 ChatGPT 应用。
cryptoscapes Public
✨Cryptoscapes✨ : A Cryptocurrency Information Dashboard for the Casual Enthusiast!
Boilerplate for projects using Eletron, React and Typescript applying Clean Architecture together with Atomic Design. Including Eslint, Prettier and Jest setup
dasho Public
Simple and customizable Dashboard, made with Ionic, angular, Node.JS, NeDb and GraphQL.
evmautomation Public
a command line tool performing automated tasks on smart contracts based on EVM chains
zoominfo_scraper Public
Zoominfo scraper with using of rotating proxies and headless Chrome from ScrapingAnt
vue-quick-chat Public
A simple chat component created with Vue.js
chatbox Public
Chatbox is a desktop app for GPT/LLM that supports Windows, Mac, Linux & Web Online
uniswapv3-code Public
Uniswap V3 clone built to learn smart-contracts development in Solidity
swap-solidity Public
Uniswap Solidity Contracts for Tron
uniswap-rs Public
Unofficial Rust SDK library for Uniswap smart contracts.
This project is to show how to make smart contracts to transfer BTC between bitcoin accounts using Solidity and Web3. The UI part is using React.js and it is connected with Solidity contracts by us…
react-printable-cv Public
Printable, multi-language, web curriculum vitae (resume) built with React and Redux 🖨️⚛️
resume-builder Public
Web app built with React,Typescript for creating resume easily with different templates and export to pdf easily.
laravel-shopify Public
A full-featured Laravel package for aiding in Shopify App development
PayPal payment gateway extension for WooCommerce.