A daily murder mystery to solve in less than 5 mintes!
A web app to help you do tarot reading.
A comprehensive brain training app built with Flutter featuring over 15+ puzzle types including logic games, physics challenges, memory exercises, pattern recognition, and attention training activi…
[PWA] A collection of solitaire card games
This solver uses advanced algorithms, including the Dancing Links method, to calculate solutions for tangram-style puzzles. It supports 11 types of blocks and accounts for block rotations, reflecti…
Production-grade Turborepo template for Next.js apps.
The world's most flexible commerce platform.
Common English Lexicon (CEL), a word list with common words, for word games
A set of python scripts for generating crosswords (actually codewords) puzzles
🧩 Generate crossword puzzles by specifying a word list and a grid to fill in
Use of Z3 smt solver with Python api to solve the MathemasGrid puzzle
An open-source & self-hostable Heroku / Netlify / Vercel alternative.
Open-source research-grade programmatic survey software
Experimental HTML templates linting for Jinja, Nunjucks, Django templates, Twig, Liquid
Open source distributed Platform as a Service (PaaS). A self-hosted Vercel / Netlify / Cloudflare alternative.
A container registry backed by Workers and R2.
Python script for solving Number Pyramid Puzzles
A deobfuscator for scripts obfuscated by
Optimized and Maintenance-free Kubernetes on Hetzner Cloud in one command!