The CheetahMailer plugin is an ActionMailer adapter for sending email through Experian CheetahMail.
Currently, this plugin does not work with Rails-3.x. Out-of-the-box, this plugin sends CheetahMail the following content paramiters: SUBJECT_LINE and CONTENT. You can easily add your own parameters if you decide to build emails through Cheetah's interface.
###Basic Usage
Configure your authentication information in config/cheetah_mailer.yml
Configure your environment to deliver mail using the CheetahMail plugin.
ActionMailer::Base.delivery_method = :cheetah
Use ActionMailer normally.
###Setting CheetahMail AID or EID* *The CheetahMail API requires an Event ID (eid) which usually corresponds to a single CheetahMail template.
CheetahMailer allows you to set a default eid [config/cheetah_mailer.yml] that will be used if no eid is specified. We recommend this be a blank (or branded) 'passthrough' template that allows you to pass email content to CheetahMail's %%CONTENT%%
To trigger a specific event, by passing the eid to an ActionMailer method
def welcome_email(user)
subject "Welcome to Example Dot Com"
from "[email protected]"
recipients user.email
sent_on Time.now
body :user => user
content_type "text/html"
eid '111111' #<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
aid '111111' #<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
###Alternative Usage
You can also send mail using just the CheetahMail the module.
CheetahMail.new.send('[email protected]', :eid => '103269', :aid => '9430385370', :subject => "Cheetah Test #{Time.now}"), :body => "test"
Colin Lauver: Created the initial CheetahMail module
Chip Miller : Created plugin
Copyright (c) 2010 [Chip Miller], released under the MIT license