- monoflow.org
Spout4Unity Public
Spout support for Unity3D
Unity-Plugins Public
Forked from benkuper/Unity-PluginsMy collection of Unity Plugins
C BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License UpdatedJan 29, 2015 -
TouchScript Public
Forked from TouchScript/TouchScriptMulti-touch framework originally created by Interactive Lab to develop interactive installations.
C# MIT License UpdatedNov 10, 2014 -
ofxFlowTools Public
Forked from moostrik/ofxFlowToolsopenframeworks addon. Combines 2D fluid simulation, optical flow and more using GLSL shaders. Works best with live camera input.
C++ MIT License UpdatedSep 30, 2014 -
monotouch-samples Public
Forked from xamarin/ios-samplesMonoTouch sample programs
C# Other UpdatedSep 18, 2012 -
ofxFX Public
Forked from patriciogonzalezvivo/ofxFXUnlocking the GPU Power on openFrameworks with this add-on for that make easy to use GLSL Shaders
lpmt Public
Forked from hvfrancesco/lpmtlittle projection mapping tool
ofxProjectorBlend Public
Forked from Flightphase/ofxProjectorBlendaddon to smoothly blend multiple projector edges together for installations
msalibs Public
Forked from gameoverhack/msalibsA collection of C++ libraries / utilities. A very lightweight wrapper maps basic types to allow tight integration with openFrameworks (www.openframeworks.cc) and Cinder (www.libcinder.org).
Most-Pixels-Ever Public
Forked from shiffman/Most-Pixels-Ever-ProcessingThe Most Pixels Ever is an open-source Java and C++ framework for spanning Processing sketches and openFrameworks applications across multiple screens.
Movid Public
Forked from tito/MovidA real-opensource tracker for touch, fiducials...