facechain Public
Forked from modelscope/facechainFaceChain is a deep-learning toolchain for generating your Digital-Twin.
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedNov 20, 2023 -
textual_inversion Public
Forked from rinongal/textual_inversionJupyter Notebook MIT License UpdatedFeb 27, 2023 -
CDTrans Public
Forked from CDTrans/CDTransCDTrans: Cross-domain Transformer for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
Python UpdatedDec 14, 2021 -
pretrained-models.pytorch Public
Forked from Cadene/pretrained-models.pytorchPretrained ConvNets for pytorch: NASNet, ResNeXt, ResNet, InceptionV4, InceptionResnetV2, Xception, DPN, etc.
Python BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedFeb 19, 2019 -
pytorch-cifar-models Public
Forked from junyuseu/pytorch-cifar-models3.41% and 17.11% error on CIFAR-10 and CIFAR-100
Python UpdatedDec 17, 2018 -
awesome-object-detection Public
Forked from amusi/awesome-object-detectionAwesome Object Detection based on handong1587 github: https://handong1587.github.io/deep_learning/2015/10/09/object-detection.html
UpdatedMay 16, 2018 -
fast-style-transfer Public
Forked from lengstrom/fast-style-transferTensorFlow CNN for fast style transfer! ⚡🖥🎨🖼
Python UpdatedJul 31, 2017 -
residual-attention-network Public
Forked from fwang91/residual-attention-networkResidual Attention Network for Image Classification
UpdatedJul 21, 2017 -
Image-Downloader Public
Forked from QianyanTech/Image-DownloaderDownload images from Google, Bing, Baidu. 谷歌、百度、必应图片下载.
Python UpdatedJun 1, 2017 -
conv_arithmetic Public
Forked from vdumoulin/conv_arithmeticA technical report on convolution arithmetic in the context of deep learning
TeX MIT License UpdatedMay 15, 2017 -