QETpy (Quasiparticle-trap-assisted Electrothermal-feedback Transition-edge sensors) provides tools for TES based detector calibration and analysis. It contains submodules for noise modeling, IV analysis, complex impedance fitting, non-linear optimum filter pulse fitting, and many other useful detector R&D analysis tools.
The full documentation can be found at https://qetpy.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
To install the current stable version of QETpy, from the command line type
pip install --upgrade qetpy
To install the most recent development version of QETpy, clone this repo, then from the top-level directory of the repo, type the following lines into your command line
python setup.py clean
python setup.py install --user
This package requires python 3.6 or greater. A current version of Anaconda3 should be sufficient, however a conda environment file as well as a list of dependencies is provided (condaenv.yml and requirements.txt)
Examples of how to use the package can be found in the demos/
directory. This directory contains Jupyter notebooks with example code and testing data