Table of contents
1. Overview
1.1 Simple Model Format
1.2 Simple Scene Format
1.3 Simple Binary Model Format
3. Where to get help
4. License
This is a fork of the Open Asset Import Library. It includes a new exporter that can be easily used in simple 3d formats. I created this due to my frustration with common model formats - they are either excessively complicated or too narrowly designed.
The simple mesh format is exactly that - a very simple mesh format that is a snap to read. Rather than a binary format, this format is a self documenting XML format. I know some people will immediately see red with this statement, but it makes the models trivally easy to load with tinyxml :)
The simple scene format is an extension of the simple model format. It adds encodes additional information that composes a graphics scene.
No implementation yet. Very similiar to the Simple model format, only it is in binary. Again, a lot of extra optimizations have been skipped in an attempt to keep the format as simple as possible.
This is simply a fork of the asset importer project. Please see their website for more information:
The license of the Asset Import Library is based on the modified, 3-clause BSD-License, which is a very liberal license. An informal summary is: do whatever you want, but include Assimp's license text with your product - and don't sue us if our code doesn't work.