A Docker image based on Ubuntu Desktop with VNC and noVNC access, that runs a lightweight Android Virtual Device.
The Dockerfile uses the following image as a base: dorowu/ubuntu-desktop-lxde-vnc:xenial
docker-compose up --build
Visit localhost:6080
- Default username:
- Default password:
Using Supervisord to manage the services, the Android AVD should start up automatically with WhatsApp pre-installed. If it doesn't then...:
Run the following command
${ANDROID_HOME}/tools/emulator @Pixel -gpu off
Using emulator
throws an error described somewhere on SO... can't recall where, anyway the fix is to call from directory directly.
At the moment the Docker entrypoint CMD/Supervisord isn't configuring the AVD. For now, to do it manually, run:
Please feel welcome to submit a pull-request to fix it!
I'd like to stream a VNC feed via the v4l2loopback
kernel module into the Android AVD... WIP. This would allow one to scan WhatsApp web barcodes remotely.