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Broad Contextual QnA Bot and Document Ingestion pipeline

Why was this made?

We saw a number of customers with a large volume of existing QnA material - thousands of documents with hundreds of questions.

Issues seen with this workload:

  • Currently QnA Maker isn't able to scale to this volume of questions.
  • With a large number of documents covering diverse topics, the lack of context between sequential questions caused a poor user experience.
  • Document parsing in QnA Maker was sometimes hit and miss, depending on the formatting.

When would this be useful?

If you have:

  • A large number of QnA based documents (100-1000s)
  • Would like to do custom preprocessing before or after question/answer extraction

Proposed solution

We attempted to ingest this large quantity of documents and process them to create a simple knowledge graph of documents and questions (with relations), which could be used to create a QnA bot capable of answering questions for a broad range of topics.

Stage Purpose Tech Status Folders
Preprocessing Extract Question-Answer pairs from documents, correct formatting errors and extract additional metadata Python, Spacy, PDFMiner Early workable solution /python
Ingest Upload JSON output from preprocessor to QnAMaker + Azure Search then create a mapping table Javascript Working /qnamaker & /azuresearch
Bot Interface Enable broad searching with context by combining Azure search with the QnA Maker output Javascript, BotBuilder Completed /qnabot

User interaction

Users are able to start a conversation with a top level question. The document returned for this question then becomes their context. Future questions are scored in this context until a low scoring result is found, at which point other documents are consulted and the results are presented to the user.

The rough flow is as follows:

|  Question:                  |-------> ? Per-question ?
|  What is x condition?       |         Middleware used to correct mispellings in
+------------+----------------+ <------ input using the Bing Spell Check API
| Azure Search queried to find|
| relevant documents.         |
|                             |
| QnA Maker used to score     |
| question against top docs   |
| Follow up question:         |
| How is it treated?          |
     ^                       |
     |                       |
     |                       v
     |             +---------+------------+
     |             | Current context used |
     |             | to score question    |
     |             +----------------------+
     |             |                      |
     |  IF high score                 IF low score
     |             |                      +
     |             v                      |
   +-+-------------+--+         +---------+---------------------------+
   | Answer presented.|         |  Azure Search queried to            |
   | Loop for further qs        |  find relevant docs.                |
   +------------------+         |                                     |
                                |  Top results and current context    |
                                |  scored in QnA maker.               |
                                |                                     |
                                |  User presented with top scoring    |
                                |  answers along with their context  |
                                |  and offered a choice.              |
                                |                                     |
                                |  Results fed back into QnA maker    |
                                |  for training the models.           |

Outstanding work

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  • Create "Getting Started" and ARM templates for deployment.
  • Greater use of NLP in question extraction and document processing.
  • Complete testing of continuous process for processing document updates.
  • Assistive review process, flagging question or answers which seem to be anomalous for human review.
  • Integration with Ibex analytics dashboard to create an overview of document populatarity, hit rate, top unanswerable questions etc. =======
  • More sophisticated use of NLP for question extraction and document processing.
  • Complete testing of continuous processing for document updates.
  • Assistive review process: flagging apparently anomalous questions/answers for human review.
  • Integration with Ibex analytics dashboard to create an overview of document popularity, hit rate, top unanswerable questions etc.
  • Add script to bulk delete QnAs from QnA Maker
  • Adapt QnA Maker scripts to run in Azure (perhaps as Azure Functions)



QnA Graph







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Contributors 4
