A comprehensive, user-centric Python API for working with enDAQ data and devices
Matlab toolbox to compute the statistics, pdf, cdf, inverse cdf and random numbers of the generalized chi-square distribution.
Matlab package for the detection of spatial targets.
Generate power-law coloured noise signals of any dimensions.
Matlab function to trace sequential pixel coordinates of all contours in a binary image.
DAA Evaluation of Guidance, Alerting, and Surveillance
A system for path planning and navigation of UAS using ICAROUS, Ardupilot, RedeMet and others under MAVLink Protocol.
Detect and Avoid Modelling and Simulation — Modélisation et simulation de la détection et de l'évitement
CFDTool - An easy to use OpenFOAM / SU2 / CFD simulation toolbox
STL CAD geometry model processing toolbox for MATLAB
Well-Clear Boundary Models for Integration of UAS in the NAS
open source release: LAR-19282-1 Detect and Avoid Alerting Logic for Unmanned Systems (DAIDALUS) with Dynamic Well-Clear Separation Volumes).
Code for discrete solution to target surveillance under ballistic threat
Conflict avoidance for unmanned aerial vehicles through coordinated actions
Model details, parameters, and associated code for traffic propagation models associated with "Traffic Propagation Models for Estimating Collision Risk"
This repository contains the event-driven simulation code for traffic delay analysis
Repository for "Learning Probabilistic Trajectory Models of Aircraft in Terminal Airspace from Position Data"
Vehicle (car) shapes for use with the Tikz LaTeX package.
Repo for aircraft trajectory learning algorithm used for the terminal airspace modeling project
Satellite Satellite Tasking and Planning Tools and Analysis
Unofficial wrapper of the IAU SOFA C libraries for fundamental astronomy.
Julia Package for discrete-time linear Gaussian parametric filtering systems, namely KF, EKF, UKF, GM-PHD
SatelliteDynamics.jl is a satellite dynamics modeling package written for Julia.
Package for automotive simulation in julia