Control the GPIO pins of a RPI (Raspbery PI) with OSC commands You could use any OSC source device but this is designed to work with the great companion software.
There is a wrapper script to run the actual Python code although this is not really finished
the Python code also has #* comments noting places that need further work...
However it is verison 1.0!
"pins": {
"12": {
"HIGH": [
{ "path": "/style/text/1/6", "value": "12 HIGH" },
{ "path": "/style/bgcolor/1/6", "value": [20,20,20] }
"LOW": [
{ "path": "/style/text/1/6", "value": "12 LOW" },
{ "path": "/style/bgcolor/1/6", "value": [120,120,120] }
The first thing to fix is JIT loading responses in the read_gpio function from the config file!
Credit to for the OSC libary: