The goal of this project is to create a simple reverse proxy using the Rust programming language. Build on top of hyper (hyper is a fast and correct HTTP implementation written in Rust).
- Fully configurable reverse proxy (see usage below).
- Supports Bearer Authorization. If authentication is enabled, through the configuration file, the proxy validates jwt token. Then creates a new HTTP header "x-real-name", which contains the user identity. The new header is encoded in base64.
- Logging using log4rs.
- Use tracing.
- Repackage several parts of the code, using ''.
- Add headers "x-forwarded-proto" and "x-forwarded-for".
- Better path matching.
- Test several critical parts.
- Performance test.
# build release
cargo build --release
# or additioanlly build debug
cargo build
# run release
caro run --release
~/ » ./proxy-hyper --help
proxy-hyper 0.1
George S. <[email protected]>
Command line arguments
proxy-hyper [OPTIONS]
-h, --help Prints help information
-V, --version Prints version information
-c, --config-file <config-file>
Sets a custom config file [default: config/default.toml]
-l, --log-file <log-file>
Sets a custom log config file [default: config/log4rs.yml]
--private-config-file <private-config-file>
Sets a private config file (overrides config file) [default: config/private.toml]
host = ""
port = 8000
scheme = "http"
# Enable/Disable auth.
auth = true
# Do not commit tokens/keys in the code.
# IMPORTANT: jwt tokens are credentials.
# NOTE: spaces and new line characters will be trimmed.
# For local development please use config/local.toml.
alg = "RS256"
# In order to extract modulus and exponent from the RSA public key,
# you can use a small Java program (located in scripts folder).
rsa_modulus ='''
rsa_exponent = "PLACE_EXPONENT_HERE"
path = "/"
host = "localhost:3000"
# Sample file can be found here:
# Scan this file for changes every 30 seconds
refresh_rate: 30 seconds
# An appender named "stdout" that writes to stdout
kind: console
# documentation can be found here:
pattern: "{d}{h([{l}]):>8.15} [{T}] - {m}{n}"
# Set the default logging level to "info" and attach the "stdout" appender to the root
level: info
- stdout