converters for the generic 4D radar dataset which is here.
- convert the rosbag to a generic folder of a 4D radar dataset sequence
- convert the content of a generic folder of a 4D radar dataset sequence to a rosbag
The script enables visualization and synchronization of point clouds and stereo images. With this script, you can:
- View multiple point clouds (e.g., ars548/points, eagleg7/enhanced, eagleg7/pcl, xt32) in separate Open3D windows.
- Synchronized left and right images from ZED2i stereo cameras in OpenCV windows.
We recommend creating a virtual env with miniconda.
conda create -n test_env python=3.10
conda activate test_env
pip install numpy==1.24.4 opencv-python open3d
sudo apt-get install xdotool
To use the script for visualization, run: python3 <folder_path>
- <folder_path>: Path to a sequence of the dataset.
python3 /path/to/dataset/20230920/data1
This will:
- Display point clouds from the specified sequence in multiple Open3D windows.
- Show the left and right ZED2i stereo images in synchronized OpenCV windows.
The frame definitions are given here. The frames used in sensor messages are listed in table. The extrinsic calibrations are provided in the matlab scritps folder, and the ROS1 roslaunch files with name tf_static.launch in each sequence's folder.
The intrinsic parameters of the zed2i stereo camera are in the topics of each bag, /zed2i/zed_node/left_raw/camera_info and /zed2i/zed_node/right_raw/camera_info.
The python scripts require a ros1 distribution to run, e.g., ros1 noetic which can be installed for ubuntu <=20.04 following instructions.
For higher ubuntu versions say 22.04, a docker container or the robostack can be used to run this program. Both are pretty easy to install and use.
The matlab scripts require a MATLAB >=2007a installation.