An android interface for the nj transit system.
To generate .classpath, .project run mvn eclipse:eclipse
(see plugin) from the scheduler directory.
To upgrade the rail database extract the zip to the proper provider and run mvn schedule-maker:make [-P profile name]
To prepare for a release or to change package structure run mvn mp:touch -DpackageName=com.njtransit
After doing this your eclipse files will become outdated and if using an ide everything will become outdated. Refresh the project, clean it, and refresh again.
To release run mvn install -Dkeystore=keylocation -Dstorepass=keystorepass -Dkeypass=keypass
can not package large assets with application, need to split them up into partitions. we currently use 50KB partitions
njtransit license agreement means we need to download their gtfs updates within 3days. license does not stipulate that we need to upgrade user app within 3 days. However, schedules that yield bad information will upset clients.
This app comes bundled with an sqlite lite store of njtransit train scheduling data.
To work with the database free form, we recommend using the lita sqlite client.
To generate the database, run the script ./scripts/
which will generate a scheduler.sqlite
2010 Ryan Gravener (@notryangravener) & Doug Tangren (@softprops)