This repository contains notebooks I have written to help my first year Ph.D. students get started using IPython for doing Computational Economics, Economic Growth, and Dynamic Macroeconomics in general. I highly recommend students to also check out John Stachurski's website and book.
These lectures are work in progress. Comments are welcome.
In order to work with them, you need to:
- Download the zipped file and extract its contents into a directory (preferably a subdirectory in your home directory).
- Use your computer's terminal (OSX's terminal or iterm2, Windows
) to go to thenotebooks
subdirectory in the directory where you extracted the files. E.g. if you extracted into$HOME/CompEcon
then at the terminal prompt executecd ~/CompEcon/notebooks
- At the terminal prompt execute
ipython notebook
Then a webpage should open with the notebooks. Click on the one you want to work with.
It is obviously presupposed you have IPython installed. If that is not the case, then head over to Enthought Canopy and install it.
-> Enjoy!<-