The only IRC Client you'll ever need, guaranteed!
- Create a discord server, each channel on discord corresponds to a channel on IRC!
- Creating a channel on discord joins the channel on IRC.
- Deleting a channel on discord leaves the channel on IRC!
- Speak in a channel name on discord, will send to that channel with same name on IRC and vice versa!
Check the issues to see what I'm planning next, or to suggest new things!
Create a server on Discord.
more soon lol
Will die, like ouch.
Discord reports about 3 things on start-up, and then any errors it finds in running.
IRC however, oh boy. On Startup, it will put a BUNCH OF STUFF in the console that probably makes no sense to you, I know it makes no sense to me.
Then, every 2 mins or so, it will "ping" the server, and get a "pong" back.