Note: For generating a Zcash or Zclassic address please see the Z repo:
Forked from samr7/vanitygen and exploitagency/vanitygen-plus, then modified by socialruins to support RTM
WARNING! This program has not been thoroughly tested. Please attempt importing an address first.
Send a tiny amount you don't mind losing to the address. Then perform a test spend.
I will not be held liable for lost funds as a result of the use of this program.
Also do not use this program for nefarious purposes! I do not condone illegal activity.
The chances of actually brute forcing an address is nearly impossible anyways.
Be sure to report any issues or bugs and fixes, I am happy to accept pull requests!
If you have an altcoin you would like to add please let me know.
For generating addresses using the CPU(slower) use: vanitygen !
For generating addresses using the GPU(faster) use: oclvanitygen !
NOTES: All arguments are case sensitive!
Address prefix must be at the end of the command.
oclvanitygen requires OpenCL and correct drivers.
Get a list of the supported Coins with:
Linux CPU: ./vanitygen -C LIST
Linux GPU: ./oclvanitygen -C LIST
Windows CPU: vanitygen.exe -C LIST
Windows GPU: oclvanitygen.exe -C LIST
A list of all the supported crypto coins will be output.
Choose your coin from the list noting the ARGUMENT needed for the coin located in the left hand column.
For RTM it is simply RTM. For Bitcoin it is BTC. Etc...
Now lets generate a RTM address with the prefix "RTEST":
Linux CPU: ./vanitygen -C RTM -o results.txt -i -k RTEST
Linux GPU: ./oclvanitygen -C RTM -o results.txt -i -k RTEST
Windows CPU: vanitygen.exe -C RTM -o results.txt -i -k RTEST
Windows GPU: oclvanitygen.exe -C RTM -o results.txt -i -k RTEST
: Chooses the RTM coin-o results.txt
: saves the matches to results.txt-i
: case-Insensitive(do not add this flag to match exact case)-k
: keep going even after match is found(do not add this flag to stop after the first match)RTEST
: the address you are searching for(RTM addresses start with "R")
Example output of above command:
Generating Raptoreum Address
Difficulty: 569190
RTM Pattern: RTEST
RTM Address: RTeSTTHtY5MA5yqoh8o2skmyFS9rGivq2q
Encrypting generated private key:
Linux: ./vanitygen -E password -C AC Aa
Windows: ./vanitygen -E password -C AC Aa
For GPU use "oclvanitygen" in place of "vanitygen"
-C AC Aa
Choose AsiaCoin and address prefix "Aa"-E password
Encrypt key with password as "password",
NOTE: It is more secure to use option-e
with no trailing password,
then vanitygen prompts for a password so theres no command history.
Also please choose a stronger password than "password".
Generating AC Address
Difficulty: 23
AC Pattern: Aa
AC Address: Aa853vQs6QGrTuTHb7Q45tbeB8n4EL47vd
AC Protkey: yTYFUWAsgFmMxCbKtu3RdrrJXosZrjxiQFA2o43neB4jPpfLe5owNNrteTs8mpvua8Ge
Decrypting generated ProtKey with Keyconv:
Linux: ./keyconv -C AC -d yTYFUWAsgFmMxCbKtu3RdrrJXosZrjxiQFA2o43neB4jPpfLe5owNNrteTs8mpvua8Ge
Windows: keyconv.exe -C AC -d yTYFUWAsgFmMxCbKtu3RdrrJXosZrjxiQFA2o43neB4jPpfLe5owNNrteTs8mpvua8Ge
Specifies AsiaCoin-d
means decrypt the protected key of "yTYFUWAsgFmMxCbKtu3RdrrJXosZrjxiQFA2o43neB4jPpfLe5owNNrteTs8mpvua8Ge"
Enter import password: --- Enter "password" or whatever you specified as password and press enter
Address: Aa853vQs6QGrTuTHb7Q45tbeB8n4EL47vd
Privkey: 66GRP2W5H4sWbgrBRAuPc3qZxUtP5boubJ9N2M5wZio6fhWjzbr
Argument(UPPERCASE) | Coin | Address Prefix |
42 | 42coin | 4 |
AC | Asiacoin | A |
ACM | Actinium | N |
AIB | Advanced Internet Block by IOBOND | A |
ANC | Anoncoin | A |
ARS | Arkstone | A |
ATMOS | Atmos | N |
AUR | Auroracoin | A |
AXE | Axe | P |
BLK | Blackcoin | B |
BWK | Bulwark | b |
BQC | BBQcoin | b |
BTC | Bitcoin | 1 |
TEST | Bitcoin Testnet | m or n |
BTCD | Bitcoin Dark | R |
CARE | Carebit | C |
CCC | Chococoin | 7 |
CCN | Cannacoin | C |
CDN | Canadaecoin | C |
CLAM | Clamcoin | x |
CNC | Chinacoin | C |
CNOTE | C-Note | C |
CON | PayCon | P |
CRW | Crown | 1 |
DASH | Dash | X |
DEEPONION | DeepOnion | D |
DNR | Denarius | D |
DGB | Digibyte | D |
DGC | Digitalcoin | D |
DMD | Diamond | d |
DOGED | Doge Dark Coin | D |
DOGE | Dogecoin | D |
DOPE | Dopecoin | 4 |
DVC | Devcoin | 1 |
EFL | Electronic-Gulden-Foundation | L |
EMC | Emercoin | E |
EXCL | Exclusivecoin | E |
FAIR | Faircoin2 | f |
FTC | Feathercoin | 6 or 7 |
GAME | GameCredits | G |
GAP | Gapcoin | G |
GCR | Global Currency Reserve | G |
GRC | GridcoinResearch | R or S |
GRLC | Garlicoin | G |
GRN | GreenCoin | G |
GRS | Groestlcoin | F |
GRV | Gravium | G |
GUN | Guncoin | G or H |
HAM | HamRadiocoin | 1 |
HBN | HoboNickels(and BottleCaps) | E or F |
HODL | HOdlcoin | H |
IC | Ignition Coin | i |
IXC | Ixcoin | x |
JBS | Jumbucks | J |
JIN | Jincoin | J |
KMD | Komodo (and assetchains) | R |
KORE | Kore | K |
LBRY | LBRY | b |
LEAF | Leafcoin | f |
LMC | LomoCoin | L |
LTC | Litecoin | L |
MGD | MassGrid | M |
MMC | Memorycoin | M |
MNC | Mincoin | M |
tMNC | Mincoin Testnet | m or n |
MNP | MNPCoin | M |
MOG | Mogwai | M |
MONA | Monacoin | M |
MUE | Monetary Unit | 7 |
MYRIAD | Myriadcoin | M |
MZC | Mazacoin | M |
NEOS | Neoscoin | S |
NLG | Gulden | G |
NMC | Namecoin | M or N |
NVC | Novacoin | 4 |
NYAN | Nyancoin | K |
OK | OK Cash | P |
OMC | Omnicoin | o |
PIGGY | Piggycoin | p |
PINK | Pinkcoin | 2 |
PKB | Parkbyte | P |
PND | Pandacoin | P |
POT | Potcoin | P |
PPC | Peercoin | P |
PTC | Pesetacoin | K |
PTS | Protoshares | P |
RBY | Rubycoin | R |
RDD | Reddcoin | R |
RIC | Riecoin | R |
ROI | ROIcoin | R |
RTM | Raptoreum | R |
RVN | Ravencoin | R |
SCA | Scamcoin | S |
SDC | Shadowcoin | S |
SKC | Skeincoin | S |
SPR | Spreadcoin | S |
START | Startcoin | s |
SXC | Sexcoin | R or S |
TPC | Templecoin | T |
TUX | Tuxcoin | T |
UIS | Unitus | U |
UNO | Unobtanium | u |
VIA | Viacoin | V |
VPN | Vpncoin | V |
VTC | Vertcoin | V |
WDC | Worldcoin Global | W |
WKC | Wankcoin | 1 |
WUBS | Dubstepcoin | D |
XC | XCurrency | X |
XPM | Primecoin | A |
YAC | Yacoin | Y |
YTN | Yenten | Y |
ZNY | BitZeny | Z |
ZOOM | Zoom coin | i |
ZRC | Ziftrcoin | Z |