A list of known wallets related to Algorand Standard Assets used for either team allocation or burns.
CREATOR and RESERVE wallets attached to asset on chain are automatically included in circulating supply calculation and need not be added
Filename: ASSET_ID.json (example: 700965019.json)
"type": "TEAM" or "BURN",
"description": "A short explanation of what the wallet is used for."
In case of burn wallets, a burn security mechanism explanation is required in the description field.
CONFIRMATION_TRANSACTION_ID is a transaction id of a transaction coming out of your already known wallet (creator or reserve address) to the wallet that is requested to be added.
The transaction is required to contain a note with text:
Vestige ASA wallets repository confirmation
If your project does not have access to creator and reserve wallets, send a detailed explanation to [email protected] in order to have your wallet added
"type": "TEAM",
"description": "Wallet used for TINY -> VEST swap SC creation."
"type": "TEAM",
"description": "Wallet used for DEX aggregator fee allocation."
Updated wallets will be included into our circulating supply calculation within 7 days after verification