flutter_barcode_scanner Public
Forked from FlutterFlow/flutter_barcode_scannerBarcode scanner plugin for flutter. Supports barcode scanning for Android and iOS
Java MIT License UpdatedJun 29, 2021 -
node-rdkafka Public
Forked from Blizzard/node-rdkafkaNode.js bindings for librdkafka
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedJul 24, 2020 -
egov-smartcity-suite Public
Forked from egovernments/egov-smartcity-suiteeGov SmartCity eGovernance suite of products aim to improve the internal efficiency, transparency, accountability and the service delivery of Municipal Governments. The solution is freely available…
Java Other UpdatedDec 20, 2019 -
ksql Public
Forked from confluentinc/ksqlThe event streaming database purpose-built for stream processing applications
Java Other UpdatedDec 3, 2019 -
kinetics-i3d Public
Forked from google-deepmind/kinetics-i3dConvolutional neural network model for video classification trained on the Kinetics dataset.
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedSep 12, 2019 -
alexa-rocketchat Public
Forked from RocketChat/alexa-rocketchatInnovating incredible new user experiences in the Alexa ecosystem - powered by Rocket.Chat
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedJun 19, 2019 -
docs Public
Forked from RocketChat/docs-oldThe Rocket.Chat server, desktop, mobile, user, admin & developer documentation.
CSS MIT License UpdatedJun 18, 2019 -
agent-human-handoff-nodejs Public
Forked from dialogflow/agent-human-handoff-nodejsA simple Dialogflow agent, a server, and a web interface that shows an approach for handling text-based conversations between a Dialogflow agent and a human operator
JavaScript Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJan 8, 2019 -
Stores clouds functions used for integration between voxrec and speech analytics services
JavaScript UpdatedApr 20, 2018