Providing generating database class and query/filter DB interfaces for running simulation model
pip install -r requeirements.txt
Some required RegulonDB/refSeq dataset are able to download by misc/
, then put those files into data
- NC_000913.gbk
- PromoterSet.txt
- TerminatorSet.txt
Add absolute project root path into conf.ini
Sample code is
in DB4E-Cell-P/db4ecellp
from db4ecellp import db4ecellp
query = db4ecellp.QueryBuilder('./conf.ini') # PATH TO conf.ini
print query.count_stored_records()
#=> 4145
print query.collect_cds_records()
#=> return All CDS annotations ans its sequences
print query.find_by_name('thrL')
#=> <Species('thrL','1','189','255','CDS','ATGAAACGCATTACCACCACCAT...')>
print query.collect_annotations_filter_by_strand(-1)
#=> return annotations and sequence on complement strand
print query.include_gene_in_region(21, 2012)
#=> [u'thrL', u'thrA']