A colorful, dark cozy Neovim colorscheme.
Currently aquarium is at a very early stage, there's a large need for ports. At the time of this writting, you can visit my dotfiles for terminal configurations as well as my tmux config, which is partly ripped from Hi I'm Bored.
Aquarium currently has a vimscript version only, expect a lua version soon!
- vim-plug
Plug 'frenzyexists/aquarium-vim', { 'branch': 'vimscript-version' }
" Future plans for lua version are around, somewhere, i hope
- packer
use {
branch = 'vimscript_version'
The vimscript version currently have some support for a few plugins, bellow a list of supported plugins:
To Enable aquarium
theme for Lualine
, specify the theme in your lua config:
require('lualine').setup {
options = {
theme = 'aquarium'
-- ... your lualine config
Aquarium is open-source, and will always be forever and ever.
There's a lot of ways to contribute, creating ports in particular. For example, you could submit a pull request a suggestion/enchantment for this color theme.
Other ways you can contribute is by adding a config of your favorite program using aquarium colors over here.
- Add Scheme switch script
- Glorify theme
- Profit (hehe)
I know, the bar is not the same color, still working on it :)