- Fork this repo
- Create your personal access token with the following permissions
- Repository permission: Administration r/w
- Repository permission: Contents: r/w
- Repository permission: Metadata: r/o
- Set the token in FLUX_GITHUB_TOKEN
export FLUX_GITHUB_TOKEN=github_pat...
- Install Flux (e.g. brew)
- Create a Flux env after replacing the owner, reposigoty, path
$ echo $FLUX_GITHUB_TOKEN | flux bootstrap github \
--token-auth \
--owner=sokoide \
--repository=flux-demo \
--branch=main \
--path=./demo1 \
- It will initialize Flux, pull from the Github repo
$ k get ns
bar Active 15s
default Active 3m25s
flux-system Active 63s
foo Active 14s
kube-node-lease Active 3m25s
kube-public Active 3m25s
kube-system Active 3m25s
local-path-storage Active 3m20s
o11y Active 14s
$ k get kustomization -A
flux-system bar 19s Unknown Reconciliation in progress
flux-system flux-system 66s True Applied revision: main@sha1:e23b668c65b1a08c84b351a013714b95b261030d
flux-system foo 19s Unknown Reconciliation in progress
flux-system o11y 19s Unknown Reconciliation in progress
- Clone your forked repo
git clone [email protected]:sokoide/flux-demo.git
cd flux-demo
- Add/change namespace and the contents (e.g. foo, bar, o11y)
- Push it to github
- Wait for a while, or pull the change by
flux reconcile source git flux-system
$ flux reconcile source git flux-system
► annotating GitRepository flux-system in flux-system namespace
✔ GitRepository annotated
◎ waiting for GitRepository reconciliation
✔ fetched revision main@sha1:e23b668c65b1a08c84b351a013714b95b261030d
- Wait for a while, or reconcile your ns
$ flux reconcile kustomization foo -n flux-system
► annotating Kustomization foo in flux-system namespace
✔ Kustomization annotated
◎ waiting for Kustomization reconciliation
✔ applied revision main@sha1:e23b668c65b1a08c84b351a013714b95b261030d
flux get kustomizations --watch
flux events --for Kustomization/o11y --watch
flux events -A --watch
# use this as a password for user `admin`
$ k get secret o11y-grafana -n o11y -o jsonpath="{.data.admin-password}" | base64 -d
$ k -n o11y port-forward svc/o11y-grafana 3000:80
# browse
# `localhost:3000` may be blocked by your Safari/Edge's security policy. Use
# goto "dashboards"