All requests are prefaced by /api
POST /auth/register
registers a user
POST /auth/login
logs a user in
PUT /auth/update
updates a user's information
DELETE /auth/remove
removes a user
GET /users/:user_id/nibbles
gets all nibbles from a user with the id of user_id
GET /users/:user_id/nibbles/:_id
gets a nibble with populated content
POST /users/:user_id/nibbles/
creates a new nibble
POST /users/:user_id/nibbles/:_id
creates a new nibble extending the path of the nibble with the id of _id
PUT /users/:user_id/nibbles/:_id
edits the nibble with the id of _id
DELETE /users/:user_id/nibbles/:_id
removes the nibble with the id of _id