Genotype Imputation bash script for BEAGLE v3, v4 & v4.1 and FImpute software.
The bash script uses PLINK format data and PLINK software itself to undertake most of the task.
There are two bash scripts
This is to run minor imputation on a (one) dataset with few markers missing for some few individuals
This is to run major imputation on two different SNP chips (Eg. Impute 50k to HD or 7k to 50k etc)
Get help by runing the following: (The parameters needed to run the script will be printed out)
./ help
./ help
6 Arguments are needed to run script
***** Arguments ******
1. Reference file (The file should be a PLINK binary file with alleles coded as 11, 12, 22)
2. output name of Reference file
3. Output name of final file after imputation
4. Output genotype format (either plink or genotypes format)
5. Allelecode
6. Pedigree information (Optional -- with Progeny, Sire, Dam, Sex)
The final out is a plink binary file with its prefix as argument and _imp
9 Arguments are needed to run script
***** Arguments ****** 1. Reference file (The file should be a PLINK binary file with alleles coded as 11, 12, 22) 2. output name of Reference file 3. The file to be imputed (The file should be a PLINK binary file with alleles coded as 11, 12, 22) 4. output name of file to be imputed 5. Output name of final file after imputation 6. where R is located 7. Output genotype format (either plink or genotype format) 8. Allelecode 9. Pedigree information (is "Optional" -- if provided, it should have 4 columns -- Progeny, Sire, Dam, Sex) The final out is a plink binary file with its prefix as argument and _imp ******************************************************************************** Running the Example files ******************************************************************************** Examples for minor imputation ( **without Pedigree information** ./ Example/ex01_ref ref resultsREF plink 12 **with Pedigree information** ./ Example/ex01_ref ref resultsREF plink 12 Example/ex01.dat **OUTPUT file-names** resultsREF_imp.bim, resultsREF_imp.bed & resultsREF_imp.fam Examples for minor imputation ( **without Pedigree information** ./ Example/ex01_ref REF Example/ex01_valldchip val resultsVAL /usr/bin/Rscript plink 12 **with Pedigree information** ./ Example/ex01_ref REF Example/ex01_valldchip val resultsVAL /usr/bin/Rscript plink 12 Example/ex01.dat **OUTPUT file-names** imp7kto50k_imp.bim , imp7kto50k_imp.bed & imp7kto50k_imp.fam
There are two bash scripts
This is to run minor imputation on a (one) dataset with few markers missing for some individuals
This is to run major imputation on two different SNP chips. (Eg. Impute 50k to HD or 7k to 50k etc)
Get help by runing the following: (The parameters needed to run the script will be printed out)
./ help
./ help
6 Arguments are needed
***** Arguments ******
1. Reference file (The file should be a PLINK binary file with alleles coded as 11-12-22 or AA-AB-BB)
2. output name of Reference file
3. Output name of final file after imputation
4. start of chromosome
5. End of chromosome
6. Allelecode
The final output is a plink binary file with its prefix as argument and suffix as _imp.bed, _imp.bim and _imp.fam.
We generate a folder called interMS-summary and this contains imputation per chromosomes and other important output of BEAGLE
Running ./ or ./ script to undertake MAJOR imputation with BEAGLE v4 & v4.1
8 Arguments are needed to run scrip
***** Arguments ******
1. Reference file (The file should be a PLINK binary file with alleles coded as 11, 12, 22)
2. output name of Reference file
3. The file to be imputed (The file should be a PLINK binary file with alleles coded as 11, 12, 22)
4. output name of file to be imputed
5. Output name of final file after imputation
6. start of chromosome
7. End of chromosome
8. Allelecode
The final output is a plink binary file with its prefix as argument and suffix as _imp.bed, _imp.bim and _imp.fam.
We generate a folder called interMS-summary and this contains imputation per chromosomes and outher important output of BEAGLE
Running the Example files
1. Examples for minor imputation ( or
for one chromosome ONLY
./ Example/ex01_ref ex01ref resultsREF 1 1 12
for a range of chromosomes
./ Example/ex01_ref ex01ref resultsREF 25 29
for all chromosomes
./BGLminor Example/ex01_ref ex01ref resultsREF 1 29
**OUTPUT file-names**
resultsREF_imp.bim, resultsREF_imp.bed & resultsREF_imp.fam
In addtion a folder with prefix interMS-summary will be generated and addiotnal results files stored
2. Examples for minor imputation ( or
for one chromosomes
./ Example/ex01_ref ex01ref Example/ex01_valldchip ex01val resultsldchip 25 25 12
for a range of chromosomes
./ Example/ex01_ref ex01ref Example/ex01_valldchip ex01val resultsldchip 1 2 12
for all chromosomes
./ Example/ex01_ref ex01ref Example/ex01_valldchip ex01val resultsldchip 1 29 12
**OUTPUT file-names**
resultsldchip_imp.bim, resultsldchip_imp.bed & resultsldchip_imp.fam
In addtion a folder with prefix interMS-summary will be generated and addiotnal results files stored