A TypeScript SDK for the Threads API, making it easy to interact with Threads in your TypeScript/JavaScript projects.
Install the package using npm:
npm install threads-ts
Or using yarn:
yarn add threads-ts
First, import and initialize the ThreadsAPI class:
import { ThreadsAPI, ThreadsAPIConfig } from "threads-ts";
import { env } from "@/env.mjs";
const config: ThreadsAPIConfig = {
clientId: env.THREADS_APP_ID,
clientSecret: env.THREADS_APP_SECRET,
redirectUri: env.CALLBACK_URL,
scope: [
export const threads = new ThreadsAPI(config);
Generate an authorization URL:
const authUrl = threadsAPI.getAuthorizationUrl();
console.log('Authorize your app:', authUrl);
Exchange the authorization code for an access token:
const code = 'AUTHORIZATION_CODE';
// Get the short lived token
const { access_token: shortLivedToken } = await threads.getAccessToken(code);
// Convert the short lived token to a long term access token
const { access_token: accessToken, expires_in: expiresIn } = await threads.getLongLivedToken(shortLivedToken);
// Store the access token in your db
// Now we can do stuff like get the User profile
const profile = await threads.getUserProfile({
userId: "me",
fields: ["id", "username", "name", "threads_profile_picture_url"],
const userId = 'USER_ID';
// Create a media container
const creationId = await threadsAPI.createMediaContainer({
mediaType: 'TEXT',
text: 'Hello, Threads!'
// Publish the media container
const threadId = await threadsAPI.publishMediaContainer({
console.log('Published Thread ID:', threadId);
const userId = 'USER_ID';
const fields = ['id', 'text', 'username', 'timestamp'];
const userThreads = await threadsAPI.getUserThreads({
options: { limit: 10 }
console.log('User Threads:', userThreads);
const userId = 'USER_ID';
const fields = ['id', 'username', 'name', 'threads_profile_picture_url'];
const userProfile = await threadsAPI.getUserProfile({
console.log('User Profile:', userProfile);
const mediaId = 'THREAD_ID';
const fields = ['id', 'text', 'username', 'timestamp'];
const replies = await threadsAPI.getReplies({
console.log('Replies:', replies);
const userId = 'USER_ID';
const replyToId = 'THREAD_ID_TO_REPLY_TO';
const replyId = await threadsAPI.respondToReply({
mediaType: 'TEXT',
text: 'This is my response!',
console.log('Reply ID:', replyId);
const mediaId = 'THREAD_ID';
const metrics = ['engagement', 'impressions', 'reach'];
const insights = await threadsAPI.getMediaInsights({
console.log('Media Insights:', insights);
For a complete list of available methods and their parameters, please refer to the API documentation.
We welcome contributions to the threads-ts SDK! Here's how you can help:
- Fork the repository
- Create your feature branch (
git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature
) - Commit your changes (
git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature'
) - Push to the branch (
git push origin feature/AmazingFeature
) - Open a Pull Request
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate and adhere to the existing coding style.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.
If you encounter any issues or have questions, please open an issue on GitHub.
- Thanks to the Threads team for providing the API
- All the contributors who have helped improve this SDK
Made with ❤️ by solojungle