View the Docs Site
A work in progress fork of Material React Table
Coming soon in early 2023, but you can try out the beta now.
Built with Mantine V5 and TanStack Table V8
A good table library should offer you powerful features, with an easy way to customize them, or even opt out and turn them off. It should also offer a bunch of advanced features to take your tables to the next level, but without sacrificing too bundle size bloat. MRT attempts to find that happy balance.
MRT is built on top of TanStack Table's react hooks to build upon it's high performance and flexibility.
- Join the Discord server to join in on the development discussion or ask questions
- View the Docs Website
- See all Props, Options, and APIs
- Basic Table (See Default Features)
- Minimal Table (Turn off Features like Pagination, Sorting, Filtering, and Toolbars)
- Advanced Table (See some of the Advanced Features)
- Aggregation/Grouping (Aggregation features such as Sum, Average, Count, etc.)
- Data Export Table (Export to CSV, Excel, etc.)
- Editing CRUD Table (Create, Edit, and Delete Rows)
- Remote Data (Server-side Pagination, Sorting, and Filtering)
- React Query (Server-side Pagination, Sorting, and Filtering, simplified)
- Virtualized Rows (10,000 rows at once!)
- Infinite Scrolling (Fetch data as you scroll)
- Localization (i18n) (Over a dozen languages built-in)
View additional storybook examples
All features can easily be enabled/disabled
Fully Fleshed out Docs are available for all features
- < 41kb gzipped - Bundlephobia
- Advanced TypeScript Generics Support (TypeScript Optional)
- Aggregation and Grouping (Sum, Average, Count, etc.)
- Click To Copy Cell Values
- Column Action Dropdown Menu
- Column Hiding
- Column Ordering via Drag'n'Drop
- Column Pinning (Freeze Columns)
- Column Resizing
- Customize Icons
- Customize Styling of internal Mui Components
- Data Editing (4 different editing modes)
- Density Toggle
- Detail Panels (Expansion)
- Filtering (supports client-side and server-side)
- Filter Match Highlighting
- Full Screen Mode
- Global Filtering (Search across all columns, rank by best match)
- Header Groups & Footers
- Localization (i18n) support
- Manage your own state or let the table manage it internally for you
- Pagination (supports client-side and server-side)
- Row Actions (Your Custom Action Buttons)
- Row Numbers
- Row Ordering via Drag'n'Drop
- Row Selection (Checkboxes)
- SSR compatible
- Sorting (supports client-side and server-side)
- Theming (Respects your Mantine Theme)
- Toolbars (Add your own action buttons)
- Tree Data / Expanding Sub-rows
- Virtualization (@tanstack/react-virtual)
View the full Installation Docs
Ensure that you have React 17 or later installed
Install Peer Dependencies (Mantine V5 and Tabler Icons)
npm install @mantine/core @mantine/hooks @mantine/dates @emotion/react @tabler/icons dayjs
- Install mantine-react-table
npm install mantine-react-table
are internal dependencies, so you do NOT need to install them yourself.
Read the full usage docs here
import React, { useMemo, useRef, useState, useEffect } from 'react';
import { MantineReactTable } from 'mantine-react-table';
const data = [
name: 'John',
age: 30,
name: 'Sara',
age: 25,
export default function App() {
const columns = useMemo(
() => [
accessorKey: 'name', //simple recommended way to define a column
header: 'Name',
mantineTableHeadCellProps: { sx: { color: 'green' } }, //optional custom props
Cell: ({ cell}) => <span>{cell.getValue()}</span>, //optional custom cell render
accessorFn: (row) => row.age, //alternate way
id: 'age', //id required if you use accessorFn instead of accessorKey
header: 'Age',
Header: () => <i>Age</i>, //optional custom header render
//optionally, you can manage any/all of the table state yourself
const [rowSelection, setRowSelection] = useState({});
useEffect(() => {
//do something when the row selection changes
}, [rowSelection]);
//Or, optionally, you can get a reference to the underlying table instance
const tableInstanceRef = useRef(null);
const someEventHandler = () => {
//read the table state during an event from the table instance ref
return (
enableColumnOrdering //enable some features
enablePagination={false} //disable a default feature
onRowSelectionChange={setRowSelection} //hoist internal state to your own state (optional)
state={{ rowSelection }} //manage your own state, pass it back to the table (optional)
tableInstanceRef={tableInstanceRef} //get a reference to the underlying table instance (optional)
Open in Code Sandbox
PRs are Welcome, but please discuss in GitHub Discussions or the Discord Server first if it is a large change!
Read the Contributing Guide to learn how to run this project locally.