Reimplementation of Graph Embedding methods by Pytorch.
Evolutionary Scale Modeling (esm): Pretrained language models for proteins
Implementation of DiffDock: Diffusion Steps, Twists, and Turns for Molecular Docking
repo for DynamicBind: Predicting ligand-specific protein-ligand complex structure with a deep equivariant generative model
Interactive graph visualizations with Python and HTML/CSS/JS.
Topological transformer for protein-ligand complex interaction prediction.
PSICHIC (pronounced Psychic) - PhySIcoCHemICal graph neural network for learning protein-ligand interaction fingerprints from sequence data
The official implementation of the paper "Ordered GNN: Ordering Message Passing to Deal with Heterophily and Over-smoothing" (ICLR 2023).
A python script for PyMol to make protein-ligand interaction images.
A PyMOL Plugin for calculating docking box for LeDock, AutoDock and AutoDock Vina.
codes for KPGT (Knowledge-guided Pre-training of Graph Transformer)
A Zotero add-on to retrive CNKI meta data. 一个简单的Zotero 插件,用于识别中文元数据
Productive, portable, and performant GPU programming in Python.
Uni-Dock: a GPU-accelerated molecular docking program
Official repository for the Deep Docking protocol
Algorithms for prediction of drug-target interactions via computational (chemogenomic) methods
MolTrans: Molecular Interaction Transformer for Drug Target Interaction Prediction (Bioinformatics)
Interpretable bilinear attention network with domain adaptation improves drug-target prediction.