Start developing.
Navigate into your new site’s directory and start it up.
yarn start
Inside your React project directory install SonWan UI by running the following
npm i sonwan-ui
# or
yarn add sonwan-ui
Then import the css styling and js components by including this code in your js/tsx file
import "sonwan-ui/build/style.min.css";
import SonWan from "sonwan-ui";
To use it, just simply render the component in your render function
const { Input, Switch, Card, CardItem, ListItem } = SonWan;
return (
<Input placeholder="Search In Codesandbox" />
title="Yuzuha Usagi"
subtitle="0821 - 7654 - 3210"
Demo: CodeSandbox
Demo Chat UI: SonWan Chat UI Code: SonWan Chat Github
Please check out https://github.com/Drzaln/SonWanUI-RN