- knit my own scarf
- everlane new pants
- wood coffee table $199
- knickerbocker blazer
- blue linen shirt
- tv
- tv stand
- flannel
- orange amp $900
- guitar pedal
- film camera
alienware aurora ryzen desktop $2400 -
office desk $900 -
parka $700 -
rug $525 -
whiteboard $60 -
hoodie$100 -
pennant $25 -
coat hanger $30 -
happy to serve you coffee cup $15 -
tintype $100 -
picture frame 1 $120 -
picture frame 2 $150
hiking boots $160 -
backpack $325 -
yellow fever shot $260 -
hep a and typhoid shot $30
tele $600 -
wallet $395 -
gaming headset $180 -
trash can $180 -
leather executive chair $370 -
bar stools $60 - cat litter-robot :*(