A point interpolation library for LiDAR using images.
This is a ROS package version.
- Supports Linear and Original method.
- Interpolate sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 upto same resolution as sensor_msgs/Image
- ROS melodic
- C++ 17
- PCL 1.8
- OpenCV 3.4.2
- Set topic names
In 'launch/point_interpolation.launch',
<param name="thermal_node" type="string" value="<thermal image topic name>"/>
<param name="rgb_node" type="string" value="<RGB image topic name>"/>
<param name="points_node" type="string" value="<PointCloud topic name>"/>
This package requires both thermal and RGB image topics.
- Compile and run nodes
In your ROS workspace,
$ catkin_make
$ ros launch point_interpolation.launch
If you want to save images and point clouds, check 'src/adapter_node.cpp' and remove comment on the corresponding part.