p8-harshith-sonwanesuresh95 Public
Forked from pesto-students/p8-harshith-sonwanesuresh95p8-harshith-sonwanesuresh95 created by GitHub Classroom
HTML UpdatedJan 12, 2023 -
rfm-analysis-medium Public
Code for medium blog series on RFM analysis in python
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedMar 28, 2022 -
rfm Public
Python Package for RFM Analysis and Customer Segmentation
cifar10_webapp Public
Webapp to test the cnn model trained on cifar10
pdf2txt_webapp Public
PDF to text converter web application and wordcount.csv generator
tutorial-template Public template
Forked from readthedocs/tutorial-templateTemplate for the Read the Docs tutorial
Python UpdatedNov 15, 2021 -
Books-to-notebooks Public
Track record and notes from books on ai/ml/dl/nlp/cv
implemented in pure python: stack, queue, linked list, hash table, heap, tree, binary tree, binary search tree
kmeans-from-scratch Public
implementation of kmeans algorithm from scratch
traditional-text-enc Public
bow, binary bow, tfidf mathematical implementation in python
Entity extraction tool/webapp built using spaCy library
music-streaming-flask-api Public
Music streaming web app coded in python, flask and html
popularity-based-recommender Public
Popularity based movie recommendation system on MovieLens
CF based movie recommendation system WebApp
flask-video-streaming Public
Movie/video Streaming Web Application in flask with frontend & backend
flask-mongodb-CRUD Public
A simple Webapp for CRUD operations on MongoDB
elasticsearch engine built on the top of netflix dataset to retrieve data from query such as 'cast', 'description', 'director', 'duration', 'rating', 'title' etc
information_retrieval_system Public
Information Retrieval System powered by word2vec for similarity matching of word vectors of queries and documents.
Text classification using RNN/LSTM models on SMS spam collection dataset
imdb_sentiment_analysis Public
Sentiment Analysis on imdb reviews using Google's pretrained word2vec model
CIFAR10_image_classification Public
Image Classification on CIFAR10 dataset using CNN
A Sentiment analysis webapp using textblob library
A Deep Learning Text Classification model using Word Embeddings.