see 'Tropical Cyclone Track Forecasting using Fused Deep Learning from Aligned Reanalysis Data', 2020. Sophie Giffard-Roisin, Mo Yang, Guillaume Charpiat, Balázs Kégl, Claire Monteleoni, Frontiers in Big Data - Data-driven Climate Sciences
This code is data-specific. However, the blocks could be easily re-used for other problems.
Processing and collection of ERAInterm data and IBTRACS data. See the scripts_data_collect_process/ and the DataProcessing/ module. Be aware that ERAInterm reanalysis is already outdated... but the codes can be re-used for ERA5 data, also freely avaible online.
The data to run this code is not directly available (because it is large and already outdated...!).
you can use the DataProcessing module functions to help you for retrieving/processing the track and/or reanalysis data avalailable online. Please look at the Discussion section of this paper ( in order to make the good data processing choices, such as the new ERA5 reanalysis. See the databases: and
you can use the fusion code for another task by changing the dataloader, loss functions...
you can ask me for more information (sophie.giffard at
launch the 3 separate data-stream neural network trainings:
- for the simple 0D neural network
- for the 2 CNNs (separate trainings)
launch the fusion training by loading first the 3 trained models saved.
-, don't forget to add the save result part. displacement --lr=1e-3 --weight-decay=0.01 --epochs=200 --num_tracks=2 --hours=24 --save_fig_name='0D_model' displacement --lr_0=1e-3 --lr_1=1e-5 --l_2=1e-7 --weight-decay=0.01 --epochs_0=50 --epochs_1=500 --epochs_2=10 --hours=24 --save_fig_name='uv_model' displacement --lr=1e-3 --weight-decay=0.01 --epochs_freeze=50 --epochs_final=500 --hours=24 --save_fig_name='uv0d_fusion'