Tags: sosopop/webssh2
Missing require('fs') in `server/app.js` See issue [billchurch#135](.… …./..billchurch/issues/135) - Missing require('fs') in `server/app.js` See issue [billchurch#135](../..billchurch/issues/135) - Patched read-config to mitigate vulnerability in js-yaml - issue not exploitable on webssh2 implementation - patched anyway - sending my patch upstream to read-config, webssh2 package.json points to patched version in my repository https://github.com/billchurch/nodejs-read-config - See nodeca/js-yaml#475 for more detail
0.2.8 ready for pr (billchurch#133) * make config.json optional * update package for 14.1 * push.sh - reset permissions after module load * build script updates * update build scripts
fix reauth option, move files into /app, update dockerfile, update pa… …ckages - `config.reauth` was not respected if initial auth presented was incorrect, regardless of `reauth` setting in `config.json` reauth would always be attempted. fixes billchurch#117 - **BREAKING** moved app files to /app, this may be a breaking change - Updated dockerfile for new app path - Updated app dependancies - xterm v3.8.0 - https://github.com/xtermjs/xterm.js/releases/tag/3.8.0 - basic-auth v2.0.1 - https://github.com/jshttp/basic-auth/releases/tag/v2.0.1 - express v4.16.4 - https://github.com/expressjs/express/releases/tag/4.16.4 - validator v10.9.0 - https://github.com/chriso/validator.js/releases/tag/10.9.0 - Updated dev dependancies - snazzy v8.0.0 - standard v12.0.1 - uglifyjs-webpack-plugin v2.0.1 - ajv v6.5.5 - copy-webpack-plugin v4.6.0 - css-loader v1.0.1 - nodemon v1.18.6 - postcss-discard-comments v4.0.1 - snyk v1.108.2 - url-loader v1.1.2 - webpack v4.25.1 - webpack-cli v3.1.2