This repository contains each project I submitted during my ALX scholarship
- Host a static website on Aws S3
- Serve static website using Aws Cloudfront
Keywords: Aws CloudFront, Aws S3
- Create a new api to process images from url
- Deploy the application using Aws Elastic Beanstalk command line
Keywords: Aws Elastic Beanstalk, eb cli, Typescript
- Refactor a monolith app to microservices
- Build a CI pipeline using github, travis CI to push images to dockerhub
- Deploy microservices in kubernetes
- Try public loadbalancer and autoscaling features
Keywords: Aws EKS, Aws RDS, Docker, Kubernetes, Travis CI, Typescript
- Create CRUD API for a todo application
- Integrate authentification using Auth0
- Deploy it using Serverless framework on Aws
Keywords: Auth0, Aws Dynamodb, Aws Lambda, Aws RDS, Aws S3, Aws X-Ray, Serverless framework, Typescript