Quantum Espresso calculations first require an input file.
Since it is time-consuming to create such a file by copy-and-paste from a crystal information file (Cif), etc., we have scripted it in python.
- cif2qe_in
- Create QE input file from Cif (Only relax and vc-relax are currently confirmed.)
- qe_out2in
- Create QE input file from QE output file (Only relax and vc-relax are currently confirmed.)
- Used for relax->vc-relax, etc.
- qe_out2cif
- Create Cif from QE output file (Only relax and vc-relax are currently confirmed.)
I was able to use it for my application, but I think there are cases where it may not work.
Please modify it by yourself.
Requires pymatgen,numpy,pandas. If not, installation is automatic.
First, activate the virtual environment if it is separated by conda.
conda activate myenv
Download and Installation
pip install git+https://github.com/souno1218/Make_QE_file.git
pymatgen,numpy,pandas will be installed automatically when not present
Explain how to run the automated tests for this system
- 河野 颯之介(Sonosuke Kono)
This project is licensed under Apache License, Version 2.0 - see the LICENSE file for details
I am Japanese and had never used GitHub until I wrote this.
I use Deepl because I am not good at English.
This ReedMe is also written with reference to the following page.
I would like to ask you to support us continuously.