This workshop aims to provide a better understanding of the principles of hydrologic cycle and water budgets and to teach the fundamental principle and structure of a widely used integrated hydrologic model, SWAT-MODFLOW, with hands-on exercises for use in assessing spatio-temporal patterns of water resources and fluxes. It will also cover general procedures of model development, implementation, evaluation, and optimization.
Upon successful completion of this workshop, students will be able to (1) understand the fundamental principles of each model (SWAT, MODFLOW, and SWAT-MODFLOW); (2) construct a SWAT-MODFLOW model; (3) perform a simulation with various configurations; (4) evaluate and visualize simulation results; and (5) perform model optimization. Students will learn to work with a graphical user interface, QSWATMOD, and an automatic optimization framework with Jupyter notebooks.
Please bring a laptop running Windows OS (higher than Windows 10, preferably) to use for the workshop exercises. You will be contacted by the instructor with files to download prior to the course.
- Pre-requisites (nice to have; not required):
- Basic understanding of Python
- Basic understanding of Jupyter Notebook
- Basic understanding of SWAT and MODFLOW
- Introductions:
- The mathematics and theory
- Learning by doing
- Please speak up! Everyone learns from discussion
- Work in pairs
- Python, GUIs, and all that
Day 1 - First Session – Integrated hydrologic model
- Introduction to Hydrogeology
- Hydrologic cycle and water budgets
- Introduction to SWAT-MODFLOW-RT3D
- Background & Case studies
- SWAT-MODFLOW-RT3D linking process
- Setting up simulation
- Set up, run, view
- QGIS & QSWAT & QSWATMOD installations (if necessary)
- Q&A session
Day 2 - Second Session – QSWAT and QSWATMOD
- Create SWAT model with QSWAT
- Exercise with QSWATMOD (5 hours)
- Description of QSWATMOD
- Create a MODFLOW model
- Create an RT3D model
- Link 3 different models
- Set up the configuration of the model simulation and run the model
- Visualize and analyze hydrology outputs
- Visualize and analyze water quality outputs
- SWAT-MODFLOW scenarios and additional QSWATMOD functions
- Irrigation pumping
- SWAT-MODFLOW model evaluation
- Q&A Session (30 mins)
- Day 3 - Third Session - Optimization Framework
- Anaconda & swatmf python package Installations. See here.
- Introduction to Jupyter notebook and Python language (skipped if not necessary)
- Introduction to Uncertainty analysis (Bayes’ theorem) and Parameter ESTimation utility (PEST)
- Construct PEST interface
- pre-processing (template files)
- post-processing (instruction files)
- control file
- Run PEST & parallel processing
- Analyze results
- Q&A Session
swatmf is a set of python modules for SWAT-MODFLOW model (Bailey et al., 2016) parameter estimation and uncertainty analysis with the open-source suite PEST (Doherty 2010a and 2010b, and Doherty and other, 2010).
You essentially have 2 options:
- Download the data zip file
- Unzip to a prefered location.
You will need to install Git if you don't have it installed already. Downloads are available at [the link]( On windows, be sure to select the option that installs command-line tools
For Git, you will need to set up SSH keys to work with Github. To do so:
- Go to and set up an account
- On Windows, open Git Bash (on Mac/Linux, just open a terminal) and set up ssh keys if you haven't already. To do this, simply type ssh-keygen in git bash/terminal and accept all defaults (important note - when prompted for an optional passphrase, just hit return.)
Follow the instructions to set up the SSH keys with your GitHub account.
Clone the materials from GitHub.
- Open a git bash shell from the start menu (or, on a Mac/Linux, open a terminal)
- Navigate to the folder you made to put the course materials
- Clone the materials by executing the following in the git bash or terminal window:
git clone
To execute jupyter notebook, we need the Miniconda environment.
- If you don't already have conda installed, please download Miniconda for your operating system from (choose the latest version for your operating system, 64-bit). You should not need elevated rights to install this.
- Run the installer and select "only my user" when prompted. This will allow you to work with your python installation directly.
- After installation, go to the START menu and select "Miniconda Prompt" to open a DOS box.
- Using the cd command in the Miniconda DOS box, navigate to the location where you have environment.yml the file and type:
conda env create -f environment.yml
and hit ENTER.
After your virtual environment setup is complete, change the environment to swatmf_wf:
conda activate swatmf_wf
- Launch jupyter notebook
jupyter notebook
A browser window with a Jupyter notebook instance should open. Yay!
Brief overview of the API
from swatmf import swatmf_pst_utils
>>> prj_dir = "project directory"
>>> swatmfwd = "SWAT-MODFLOW model"
>>> swatwd = "SWAT model"
>>> swatmf_pst_utils.init_setup(prj_dir, swatmfwd, swatwd))
Creating 'backup' folder ... passed
'Absolute_SWAT_Values.txt' file copied ... passed
'pestpp-glm' file copied ... passed
'pestpp-ies.exe' file copied ... passed
'pestpp-ies.exe' file copied ... passed
'' file copied ... passed