My vim config files and plugins distribution.
The project aims to provide a useful set of plugins I use in a day to day basis.
IMPORTANT: For now it only has Rust related stuff, I will be updating it soon to add more languages support and tools.
The requirements are the requirements of each of the plugins under langs and tools directories. So please, check READMEs and docs of the ones you're interested to know how to use and what is needed to have it working.
git clone --recursive ~/.vim
ln -s ~/.vim/vimrc ~/.vimrc
cd .vim
./tools/youcompleteme/ --system-libclang --clang-completer --go-completer --rust-completer --js-completer
git pull
git submodule sync
git submodule update --init --recursive
./tools/youcompleteme/ --system-libclang --clang-completer --go-completer --rust-completer --js-completer
If you want to disable a bundled plugin add the following content to ~/.vimrc.before
let g:pathogen_disabled = ['plugin_name']