This example shows how to add SIP audio intercom to Homekit
Used Rasberry Pi 4 with Homebridge image installed
Intercom control is carried out via DTMF commands
Make changes to the system settings
24-hour time format date format DD/MM/YYYY
Adding the ALSA Loopback Sound Device
sudo su echo 'snd-aloop' >> /etc/modules exit
Making changes to the ALSA configuration
Create or edit the
file# output device pcm.loop_out { type dmix ipc_key 100001 slave.pcm "hw:Loopback,0,0" } # input device pcm.loop_in { type dsnoop ipc_key 100002 slave.pcm "hw:Loopback,1,1" } # plug device pcm.sipdoorbell_return { type plug slave.pcm 'loop_out' hint { show on description 'sipdoorbell return channel' } } # plug device pcm.sipdoorbell_main { type plug slave.pcm loop_in hint { show on description 'sipdoorbell main channel' } }
!!! if you get homebridge error when open doorbell device on iphone/ipad/AppleTV:
[error] cannot open audio device sipdoorbell_main (No such file or directory) [error] sipdoorbell_main: Input/output error
[error] cannot open audio device sipdoorbell_return (No such file or directory) [error] sipdoorbell_return: Input/output error
put this code at the end
Installing baresip
sudo apt install baresip
Run baresip to create a configuration file, after launch press 'q' to exit
Making changes to the baresip configuration file: file
Remove the comment from the following lines and make changes
sip_listen audio_player alsa,hw:Loopback,0,1 audio_source alsa,hw:Loopback,1,0 audio_alert alsa,hw:Loopback,0,1 ausrc_srate 48000 auplay_srate 48000 ausrc_channels 2 auplay_channels 2 module http_listen
Add a SIP account to the file
When using P2P SIP call
When using P2P, the call must be in the format "100 @ <homebridge_ip_address>"
<sip:[email protected]>;auth_pass=none;regint=0;
When using SIP registration
Install the Homebridge Camera FFmpeg plugin
Add a camera in the Homebridge Camera FFmpeg plugin
Name: Doorbell Video Source: "-re -stream_loop -1 -i /opt/sipdoorbell/homekit.avi -f alsa -ac 2 -ar 48000 -i sipdoorbell_main" Still Image Source: "-i /opt/sipdoorbell/homekit.jpg" Enable audio: checked
Two-way Audio Target (EXPERIMENTAL - WIP): "-f alsa -ac 2 -ar 48000 sipdoorbell_return" Two-way FFmpeg Debug Logging: checked Audio Stream: "1:a" Enable doorbell: checked
Global Automation
HTTP Port:8080
If there is an RTSP stream from the intercom, replace "-re -stream_loop -1 -i /opt/sipdoorbell/homekit.avi" and
"Still Image Source: "-i /opt/sipdoorbell/homekit.jpg"" with the link of the RTSP stream -
Homebridge Camera FFmpeg Plugin Configuration
"source": "-re -stream_loop -1 -i /opt/sipdoorbell/homekit.avi -f alsa -ac 2 -ar 48000 -i sipdoorbell_main", "stillImageSource": "-i /opt/sipdoorbell/homekit.jpg", "returnAudioTarget": "-f alsa -ac 2 -ar 48000 sipdoorbell_return", "mapaudio": "1:a", "audio": true, "debugReturn": true
If there is an RTSP stream from the intercom, replace "-re -stream_loop -1 -i /opt/sipdoorbell/homekit.avi" and
"Still Image Source: "-i /opt/sipdoorbell/homekit.jpg"" with the link of the RTSP stream -
Install the Homebridge Http Switch plugin (if nessesary)
Homebridge Http Switch Plugin Configuration (if nessesary)
Command for open the door via send HTTP request to Baresip
{ "accessory": "HTTP-SWITCH", "name": "Open", "switchType": "stateless", "timeout": 3000, "multipleUrlExecutionStrategy": "series", "onUrl": [ " 0", " %04" ] }
Command for manual answer and hangup SIP call (for Homekit Automation etc.)
{ "accessory": "HTTP-SWITCH", "name": "Answer", "switchType": "stateless", "timeout": 3000, "onUrl": "" }, { "accessory": "HTTP-SWITCH", "name": "Hangup", "switchType": "stateless", "timeout": 3000, "multipleUrlExecutionStrategy": "series", "onUrl": [ " %23", " %04", "delay(1000)", "" ] }
In this configuration, the open lock is performed by sending the DTMF code "0". Replace "sndcode 0" with the required value
In this configuration, the SIP call hangup is performed by sending the DTMF code "#". Replace "sndcode %23" with the required value
Download the necessary files
cd /opt sudo git clone sudo mv /usr/share/baresip/ring.wav /usr/share/baresip/ring.wav.backup sudo ln -s /opt/sipdoorbell/doorbell.wav /usr/share/baresip/ring.wav
Create a script for check the incoming call to baresip and notify ffmpeg about it
sudo mkdir /opt/sipdoorbell sudo nano /opt/sipdoorbell/
#!/bin/bash homebridge_log_path='/var/lib/homebridge/homebridge.log' doorbell_device_name='Doorbell' doorbell_ring_repeat=20 date_format='%d/%m/%Y' count=0 while true; do if wget -qO- | grep -q "INCOMING"; then if [[ "$count" -eq "0" ]]; then wget -q$doorbell_device_name > /dev/null 2>&1 ((count++)) fi tail -100 $homebridge_log_path | awk -v device_name=$doorbell_device_name -v date=`date -d'now' +$date_format` -v time=`date -d'now-1 seconds' +%H:%M:%S` '$0~date && $0~time && $0~device_name && /Two-way/ && /time=/ && !/time=00:00:00.00/ {system("wget -q > /dev/null 2>&1"); exit 1}' if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then sleep 1 while wget -qO- | grep -q "ESTABLISHED"; do tail -100 $homebridge_log_path | awk -v device_name=$doorbell_device_name -v date=`date -d'now' +$date_format` -v time1=`date -d'now-1 seconds' +%H:%M:%S` -v time2=`date -d'now-1 seconds' +%H:%M:%S` -v time3=`date -d'now-1 seconds' +%H:%M:%S` -v time4=`date -d'now-4 seconds' +%H:%M:%S` -v time5=`date -d'now-5 seconds' +%H:%M:%S` '($0~date && ($0~time1 || $0~time2 || $0~time3 || $0~time4 || $0~time5) && $0~device_name && /Two-way/ && /time=/ && !/time=00:00:00.00/) {found=1} END {if(!found) system("wget -q > /dev/null 2>&1")}' sleep 1 done elif (( "$count" > $doorbell_ring_repeat )); then count=0 else ((count++)) fi else count=0 fi sleep 1 done
The device name "Doorbell" in the Camera FFmpeg Plugin must match with variable "doorbell_device_name"
"homebridge_log_path" path to homebridge log file
"date_format" date format of homebridge log file
This script should answer the call when you enable TALK button, and end the call 5 seconds after disable TALK button or closing the application
Making the script
executablesudo chmod +x /opt/sipdoorbell/
Create baresip service
sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/baresip.service
[Unit] Description=baresip [Service] User=pi Group=pi Type=simple KillMode=process ExecStart=baresip -v -d -f '/home/pi/.baresip' Restart=on-failure RestartSec=3 [Install]
Change user, group and path if it nessesary
Launch the baresip service and add to startup
sudo systemctl daemon-reload sudo systemctl start baresip.service sudo systemctl enable baresip.service
Create Sipdoorbell service
sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/sipdoorbell.service
[Unit] Description=Sipdoorbell [Service] User=pi Group=pi Type=simple ExecStart=/opt/sipdoorbell/ KillMode=process Restart=on-failure RestartSec=3 [Install]
Change user, group and path if it nessesary
Launch the sipdoorbell service and add to startup
sudo systemctl daemon-reload sudo systemctl start sipdoorbell.service sudo systemctl enable sipdoorbell.service