Add some more functionality to the wagtail elasticsearch search backend
This plugin adds search capabilities through elasticsearch. Elasticsearch provides scored search results, facetting, suggestions and autocomplete.
- filter on fields that are not in the database
- order on fields that are not in the database
- search suggestions when no results are found
This readme is far from done and complete, take care.
: How many items to allow in a bucketWAGTAILSEARCHEXTENSION_PAGE_SIZE
: How many items to retrieve from elasticsearc in one go.WAGTAILSEARCHEXTENSION_MULTIMATCH_TYPE
: How should the score be calculated in a multimatch queryWAGTAILSEARCHEXTENSION_DEFAULT_OPERATOR
: Should all the search terms be present or just one of the search terms? (default=or) change to and if all the search terms should be present.
Facets can be configured using the get_facets classmethod. This is a list of dictionaries that must look like this:
[ { "label": "Brand", "name": "brand", "type": "term", } ]
Currently 2 facet types are supported
1. term
, facets are treated as keywords and counted and matched as such.
2. range
, facets are treated as integer ranges, the ranges
parameter must de defined for type range. It can be used to segment the range, eg. [10, 100, 1000]
will yield 4 filters ranges, 0-9, 10-99, 100-999 and 1000+
The default ordering for facets is alphnumerically ({"-key", "asc"}
The number of facets returned can be changed with the ocyan parameter facet_bucket_size
By default only 10 facets will be returned. If there are a lot more facets then
10 and you do not want to increase the number of facets it can make a lot of sense
to order by the number of occurrences, this will select the most useful facets.
The ordering can be changed in the facet definition:
{ "label": "Brand", "name": "brand", "type": "term", "order": { "_count" : "desc" } }
Now the most popular brands will be shown. For more info, please read
Boosting field relevance is done by using the WAGTAILSEARCHEXTENSION_BOOSTED_FIELDS setting:
"boosted_fields": { "upc": 888, "title": 777 }
You can override/extend the elasticsearch settings by using the ELASTICSEARCH_EXTRA_SETTINGS setting
For example:
WAGTAILSEARCHEXTENSION_ELASTICSEARCH_EXTRA_SETTINGS = { 'settings': { 'analysis': { 'analyzer': { 'custom_analyzer': { 'type': 'custom', 'tokenizer': 'custom_tokenizer', 'filter': ['asciifolding', 'ngram'] } }, 'tokenizer': { 'custom_tokenizer': { 'type': 'nGram', 'min_gram': 3, 'max_gram': 15 } } } } }