like tap-dot, but with more information about failures, and where to find them.
based on am-tap-dot by amokrushin. (Thanks!)
# local
npm i tap-dancer --save-dev
# global
npm i tap-dancer -g
const test = require('tape')
const TapDance = require('tap-dancer')
.pipe(new TapDance())
tape test/index.js | node_modules/.bin/tap-dancer --color
or in package.json,
"name": "module-name",
"scripts": {
"test": "node ./test/tap-test.js | tap-dancer --color"
Then run with npm test
-nofail - always return an arror code of 0, even when tests pass
node ./tap-test.js | tap-dancer -nofail
-noreport - don't list-out all the mistakes.
node ./tap-test.js | tap-dancer -noreport