Hidden Layer Cake - Computer Vision for Colonoscopy Polyp Detection
This was the first FasterRCNN model trained on the Kaidong dataset, important files include:
- Training notebooK:
- Evaluation notebook
- Saved model weights in
directory - PyTorch FasterRCNN model
- Torch Dataset/Dataloader
- Also contains a
Re-wrote the framework for the model using pytorch-lightning
to utilize callback and logging fucntionality and increase modularity.
- Training notebook with outputs from most recent run
- Evaluation notebook
- Lightning module definition + callback
- New dataset class with minor optimizations to
and support all imagessrc/PolysDataset
- Lightning datamodule
┃ Test metric ┃ Score ┃
│ test_acc │ 0.6349629759788513 │
│ test_f1 │ 0.7314706444740295 │
│ test_precision │ 0.8447203040122986 │
│ test_recall │ 0.6987577676773071 │
┃ Test metric ┃ Score ┃
│ test_acc │ 0.598007082939148 │
│ test_f1 │ 0.6866463422775269 │
│ test_precision │ 0.7771736979484558 │
│ test_recall │ 0.6622670888900757 │
Last minute attempt to train an FCOS model that didn't go well.
Data directory is not included in the repository due to both size and privacy concerns for some data.
├── all_labels.csv
├── CVC-ClinicDB/
│ ├── test/ --> x110
│ │ └── img_CVC-ClinicDB_test.png......... 110
│ ├── train/
│ │ └── img_CVC-ClinicDB_train.png........ 427
│ └── validation/
│ └── img_CVC-ClinicDB_validation.png... 75
├── ETIS-LaribPolypDB/
│ └── test/
│ └── img_ETIS-LaribPolypDB_test.png.... 196
├── Kaidong/
│ ├── test/
│ │ └── img_Kaidong_test.png.............. 4630
│ ├── train/
│ │ └── img_Kaidong_train.png............. 28773
│ └── validation/
│ └── img_Kaidong_validation.png........ 4630
├── Kvasir/
│ ├── test/
│ │ └── img_Kvasir_test.png............... 991
│ └── validation/
│ └── img_Kvasir_validation.png......... 1
└── Piccolo/
├── test/
│ └── img_Piccolo_test.png.............. 666
├── train/
│ └── img_Piccolo_train.png............. 3058
└── validation/
└── img_Piccolo_validation.png........ 897
- Update PolypDataset class to handle more complex hierarchy
- Integrate PyTorch Lightning:
- Create Lightning data module
- Create Lightning model
Config fileConfig dict in notebook - Callbacks and autotune model -- just learning rate
- Multi-GPU support -- there but not used
(there's nothing else important below here....)
Name | Type | Params | |
0 | detector | FasterRCNN | 43.3 M |
1 | detector.transform | GeneralizedRCNNTransform | 0 |
2 | detector.backbone | BackboneWithFPN | 26.9 M |
3 | detector.backbone.body | IntermediateLayerGetter | 23.5 M |
4 | detector.backbone.body.conv1 | Conv2d | 9.4 K |
5 | detector.backbone.body.bn1 | BatchNorm2d | 128 |
6 | detector.backbone.body.relu | ReLU | 0 |
7 | detector.backbone.body.maxpool | MaxPool2d | 0 |
8 | detector.backbone.body.layer1 | Sequential | 215 K |
9 | detector.backbone.body.layer2 | Sequential | 1.2 M |
10 | detector.backbone.body.layer3 | Sequential | 7.1 M |
11 | detector.backbone.body.layer4 | Sequential | 15.0 M |
12 | detector.backbone.fpn | FeaturePyramidNetwork | 3.3 M |
13 | detector.backbone.fpn.inner_blocks | ModuleList | 985 K |
14 | detector.backbone.fpn.layer_blocks | ModuleList | 2.4 M |
15 | detector.backbone.fpn.extra_blocks | LastLevelMaxPool | 0 |
16 | detector.rpn | RegionProposalNetwork | 1.2 M |
17 | detector.rpn.anchor_generator | AnchorGenerator | 0 |
18 | detector.rpn.head | RPNHead | 1.2 M |
19 | detector.rpn.head.conv | Sequential | 1.2 M |
20 | detector.rpn.head.cls_logits | Conv2d | 771 |
21 | detector.rpn.head.bbox_pred | Conv2d | 3.1 K |
22 | detector.roi_heads | RoIHeads | 15.2 M |
23 | detector.roi_heads.box_roi_pool | MultiScaleRoIAlign | 0 |
24 | detector.roi_heads.box_head | FastRCNNConvFCHead | 15.2 M |
25 | detector.roi_heads.box_head.0 | Conv2dNormActivation | 590 K |
26 | detector.roi_heads.box_head.1 | Conv2dNormActivation | 590 K |
27 | detector.roi_heads.box_head.2 | Conv2dNormActivation | 590 K |
28 | detector.roi_heads.box_head.3 | Conv2dNormActivation | 590 K |
29 | detector.roi_heads.box_head.4 | Flatten | 0 |
30 | detector.roi_heads.box_head.5 | Linear | 12.8 M |
31 | detector.roi_heads.box_head.6 | ReLU | 0 |
32 | detector.roi_heads.box_predictor | FastRCNNPredictor | 10.2 K |
33 | detector.roi_heads.box_predictor.cls_score | Linear | 2.0 K |
34 | detector.roi_heads.box_predictor.bbox_pred | Linear | 8.2 K |
43.3 M Trainable params 0 Non-trainable params 43.3 M Total params 173.025 Total estimated model params size (MB)
Make sure the data dir is in .gitignore
- unzip contents and place in the same directory as
- make sure the path is correct:
- should match the diagram below, not
├── test/
│ ├── test_labels.csv
│ │
│ └── images/
│ ├── test_seqM_frameN.jpg
│ ├── ...
├── train/
│ ├── train_labels.csv
│ │
│ └── images/
│ ├── train_seqM_frameN.jpg
│ ├── ... .jpg
└── val/
├── val_labels.csv
└── images/
├── val_seqM_frameN.jpg
├── ... .jpg
is the first notebook that was trained on the data set using a paperspace cloud compute instance- Clone this notebook and give it a new, meaningful name
- see
for info on default values passed around - Follow directions in markdown cells inside the notebook
- The model will save it's weights every 2 Epochs (defined in
) to./output/%MODEL_NAME_%EPOCH.pth
- giving the model a meaningful name will make it easier to sort through the different weights files later.
- Currently the plots don't work -- idk why
- when the model is finished training, move the best performing model weights to
and update theREADME.md
in that directory with the information about how that model was trained.
The model is "defined" in src/model.py
, but it returns a standard PyTorch model, so the weights can be updated upon return
- Initially configured with
as the model. To make changes to the backbone either create a new fucntion in./src/model.py
or comment out what's there and add your own. - TODO: convert function in
to a class that inherits from torch and allow for choice of backbone - Image augmentations with
are configured in./src/utils.py:get_transformations()
you can update the training transformations with more complex transforms using thealbumentations
library.- see their documentation for more info https://albumentations.ai/docs/
- we rely on this library to ensure that the bounding boxes are also transformed, so changing this library will require an understanding of the bounding box label format.
- use the
notebook to run through the test data and calculate various metrics - STILL UPDATING README, but the notebook is well documented
- contains some scripts for processing PASCAL_VOC xml labels into CSV files.
- scraps [jarret] didn't want to delete yet.